shoot me

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Bright light, directly shone onto Jimin's face which made him feel uncomfortable. He groaned and peaked an eye open. The boy didn't know how long he has been laying on the ground, passed out. When he saw Hoseok and Sooyoung's familiar faces, he tried to sit up but the pain in his chest made him fall back on the dusty floor.

"Don't move, I will call a doctor. How long have you been laying here..." Hoseok checked Jimin's bruises, Sooyoung getting all teary when she saw him in that state. Jimin sighed, lightly shaking his head. "I can't remember. I just know that I passed out after Taemin did this to me... Where is Seulgi," he suddenly asked, sitting up even though his chest was burning from pain. Sooyoung looked at Hoseok and then back at the other "She is with Grandpa Kang. Jimin, you have to tell her. Everything. Look at me. After Hoseok told me about everything I decided to forgive him. Seulgi will too. Just-"

"No! I can't!" Jimin protested. He held onto his body and stood up shakily. "She will hate me... I did too many mistakes. It's too late. If I told her from the beginning then maybe I could have had a chance. But it's too late now."

Hoseok looked at his friend, trying to hold him back. "What are you going to do then? Runaway? Like the last time you did? And break her heart for the second time? Why are you such a coward Jimin?" The younger freed his arm, hissing at the pain he caused himself from the move. "I don't fucking care! If I stay any longer with her then she will only get hurt more and more! Everyday! Do you think she will be okay to look into my face after she found out about my past? The pain and wounds I caused her back in Busan are still there, hurting her! They only began to heal and now I can't just scratch them open again."

The boy walked with a limp to the door, letting Hoseok and Sooyoung behind. The girl sighed and rubbed her temple. "He is such an idiot. If he only knew..." Hoseok quickly turned to Sooyoung who began to cry silently. "Hey, babe. He has to figure it out himself. We tried, now it's his own job to decide what's the good thing. For both of them." He placed a soft peck on Sooyoung's lips and smiled, pulling her into a hug.

Jimin managed to reach the main street, limping to the taxi that just stopped. The driver looked at him with wide, scared eyes. After Jimin told him where to go, he turned to look out the window. Closing his eyes, he tried to ignore the pain in his chest. It was not the bruises that Taemin left. No, it was his heart aching from the thought of leaving Seulgi. Once again. He opened his eyes, "Quick change. Turn right here!"

Meanwhile, Seulgi turned the music on and put her headphone in her ear. A smile crept on her face when she heard her new favorite song by day6. Humming she grabbed the laundry basket and walked to the garden in front of her house. Her grandpa was out to do some shopping while Seulgi decided to do the laundry. She took the clothes and hung them up to dry, the smell of softener filling her surroundings. Seulgi smiled wider, she remembered how she always picked the best smelling softener when she was still blind. Now she could see the freshly washed clothing, hanging in the garden.  She touched the soft fabric once it lightly waved in the wind.

Finally done, she took the empty basket and turned around, her eyes immediately recognizing Jimin's fragile body in the far. She put the basket down and took off her headphones, slowly approaching him, who also began to walk into the garden. He looked at the laundry, the beautiful smell of the softener reaching him. He gulped and stopped once they met in the middle.

"Jimin... What..." Seulgi's hands were shaking as she checked out in what miserable state her lover was in. She looked up with teary eyes and softly cupped his cheeks. Jimin closed his eyes, a tear rolling down his cheek slowly. Seulgi breathed out shakily and carefully hugged him. "Jimin you are such an idiot... Just... Just say it finally," she whispered against his chest.

The boy opened his eyes, his eyebrows knitted. "Huh...?" What was she talking about? Tell her what? What exactly was she implying? "Jimin," Seulgi started and looked up at him. She smiled lightly and pecked his lips. "I know everything Jimin. Do you really think I wouldn't recognize it?" She took a step back and reached out her hand to touch his face gently. Closing her eyes she caressed his face, every feature she once absorbed back in Busan.

Jimin felt like lighting stroke him. He looked at Seulgi who now opened her eyes again. She was smiling but yet tears rolled down her cheeks. "Sooner or later, the truth always comes back at the surface. How long were you planning to live in pain just so I wouldn't get hurt, hm?"

"S-Seulgi... I," his voice cracked and he looked down, beginning to cry. Seulgi laughed softly, wiping her own tears. "I loved you Jimin. And I still love you. The old you. And the new you. Hoseok and Sooyoung told me everything. But I told them to keep quiet until you come here and tell me yourself."

"But I didn't. I couldn't tell you Seulgi." Jimin looked up, his eyes reddened from crying. Seulgi reached out to wipe off his tears. "Hey, I can see it in your eyes. You wanted to tell me. You were dying daily inside just to keep me happy. Do you really think I would hate you?"

Jimin smiled, shaking his head lightly. "I... I am so happy that I finally can tell you everything. It's like a huge rock fell off my shoulders. I always wanted to do this without having to worry about the future," Jimin said as he leaned in closer to her lips. But with a loud bang both of them crouched to the ground, looking around to figure out where the shooting was coming from. Jimin's eyes immediately caught Taemin walking up to them.

He quickly stepped in front of Seulgi, covering her body with his. Taemin laughed out loud and once again pulled the trigger, almost aiming Jimin's leg. Seulgi cried out, scared of the gun that Taemin was pointing at them.  "I told you Jimin. I fucking told you to mind your own fucking business. But look here you are, touching what's mine. Again." Taemin glared at him, wanting to kill him here and now.

"Let Seulgi go inside and we can clear this alone. Somewhere else, okay?" Jimin tried to convince Taemin who had gone insane. Taemin pulled the trigger again, aiming Jimin's arm, this time actually brushing his skin. Jimin hissed, holding his bleeding arm. Seulgi cried louder, pulling on Jimin's shirt. Taemin who saw Seulgi crying over someone who wasn't him only got him to go wild. "Why Seulgi! Why can't you love me instead huh!?" He yelled and grabbed her wrist. Seulgi shouted, closing her eyes in fear. Jimin immediately punched Taemin, making him fall to the ground, his gun falling off too.

Seulgi looked at Taemin on the ground and quickly run to grab Jimin's hand. "Let's go! Run! Come on!" She pulled him along, but it was too late. A loud shot made them both fall to the ground.

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