Back at Midtown

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How was it the first day of school? Again? It just felt like the last day of school. What a wonderful day that was. No need to pay attention in class, for even if you did, you wouldn’t learn anything. The blanket of relief draped over your shoulders after stepping out of your least favorite class for the final time. The relaxed yet excited feeling in all students, and made quite obvious by some, of screw this school, screw this place! I’m out! The fantastic feeling that you are no longer to be at the bottom of the food chain, at the bottom of the school, a freshman. And, of course, not having to put up with Flash Thompson for a whole two-and-a-half months. Two-and-a-half months that just passed like the gas of the boy on the side of the hallway who was unlocking his locker. The students parted, laughed, and moved on. 

            Peter Parker awkwardly made his way down the halls, making sure to not bump into anyone or bring attention to himself. He had the feeling that Flash was already searching the halls for his presence, to hunt him down like a hound to a rabbit. Peter found himself at his locker and started to undo the lock. Turn to the right, turn left to twenty three-

            “Puny Parker!” Speak of the devil. Peter turned around to face Flash, who had an evil, but stupid grin on his face, and was massaging his knuckles.

            “Hey Flash, missed ya-“ Peter replied sarcastically only to be socked in the stomach. He bent over in pain, clutching his front side and breathing in through his teeth while Flash and his meat-head jock friends howled with laughter.

            “Good start to the year. Expect more if you don’t give me your lunch money, Parker.” Flash threatened.

            “Seriously Flash? You’re downgrading to a lunch money stealing bully? Do you know how low and stereotypical that i-“ Peter was again interrupted to another punch in the stomach. “I’m still not giving you any-oof!” Flash pushed Peter against the locker and held up a fist. This caused his camera to fall to the ground, (which Peter had been holding) and Peter hoped that it was ok. He didn’t want to have to ask his aunt and uncle for another hundred dollars to replace his camera lens. Again. Suddenly, the bell rang and students scurried, tearing their eyes away from the fight and running off to their first class.

            “Well what do ya know Parker, saved by the bell.” Flash gave him a death glare before socking him in the stomach one last time (causing Peter to cringe) and stalking away with the other jocks, who were stupidly snickering behind him. Picking up his camera, Peter turned around and quickly turned the dial on his locker, put away his camera and books that he didn’t need for the morning, and sprinted to his next class. That’s when Peter realized that he didn’t know where his first period class was. He dug around in his backpack until he found his schedule and the map of the school he received, that gave the class room numbers. Even though Peter had already attended this school for a year, midtown high was huge and he hadn’t memorized all of the classrooms. Looking for class E-27 he located Mr. Garret’s class, unfortunately on the other side of the school. Peter started sprinting, noticing other late students slipping into classrooms and running through the halls. Peter glanced down at his map for a second and during that second he felt a solid, fleshy object bump into him. Peter lost his footing and fell to the tiled ground, dropping his papers in the process. Apparently the object had also fallen, for they made a disgruntled noise from the left side of Peter.

            “Oh my god, I am so sorry. I was rushing trying to find my class and I lost my map and I wasn’t looking where I was going…” She continued and Peter looked up from gathering his things and his heart stopped for a second. Her wavy, blonde shoulder-length hair perfectly framed her face as her large, bright green eyes glowed on her smooth skin. Peter blushed as he helped her up.
            “Um yeah, yeah it’s fine, I, um… I’m sorry, I was, um looking at my map and uh, didn’t, wasn’t looking and, um, I should probably head to class, uh, nice meeting you.” Peter awkwardly turned away, mentally cursing at himself for being such a stuttering idiot around cute girls. He then felt a hand grasp around his wrist.

            “Wait, um, could you help me? I have to get to Mr. Garret’s class and I-“

            “Oh, I’m heading there too, it’s this direction, um you can look at my map if you want to see any of your other classes too.” Peter shoved the map in her direction (wishing he had done so a bit more gently) and started walking with her to class as she overlooked the map.

            “Thank you, um…?”

            “Peter. Peter Parker.”

            “Nice to meet you Peter. I’m Gwen Stacy.” She held out a hand and Peter firmly shook it, smiling. Peter glanced at her schedule.

            “Hey, we um, have practically the same schedule. Only our electives and PE are switched around.” Peter pointed to Gwen’s schedule, and then to his.

            “Hey, yeah, that’s convenient. We had better hurry up then.” She stated and they set off to their class in silence.

            It was five minutes after the late bell when Gwen and Peter arrived, and they walked into their English teacher’s class, seeing everyone who was sitting at their seats turn and stare at them. Mr. Garret, a bald, middle aged man with spectacles, glanced up from writing the schedule on the board to look at the two tardy students.

            “Well, nice of you to finally join us, Mr. and Ms. …” He glanced at the list of new students and then back at them, “Parker and Stacy. Please take a seat, and hopefully you do not give any other teachers of yours a like first impression.” He turned back to the board.

            “We got lost,” Peter mumbled, taking a seat, and hearing Mr. Garret mumble something that sounded like excuses, excuses. Gwen sat in the only seat left, which was right in front of Peter. They began scribbling in their agenda’s the schedule, and everyone nearly fell asleep as Mr. Garret started lecturing about his plans for this year and what they were going to learn and yadda yadda yadda. The class ended as the bell interrupted Peter’s doodling, and the class jumped out of their seats, grabbed their backpacks, and scurried out of the door. Peter and Gwen followed suit, and decided to not waste any time trying to find their way to social studies. 

The Amazing Life of Peter ParkerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora