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Lucian's paws pounded the pale snow, sending the powder into a flurry around him. The trees flew passed him, as he rushed to hold the scent trail. His mate could not have gotten far, a thought that soothed and scared him in equal measure. He was close, but he was recovering, and the winter was cold and deadly as it was beautiful. He faintly felt the presence of his wolves behind him, and told them to be vigilant through the pack link. He would find him, he hoped.

Stelian had walked until his knees had given out. He was leaning against the trunk of a tree, halfway into an abandoned foxhole. At least he hoped it was abandoned but he knew his own luck. A rustle in the brush suddenly caught his attention. In the next instant, a small rabbit poked its head out of the bushes. It's little pink nose sniffed at the air, and it hopped into the clearing. It shook out its snowy white fur and took a hesitant hop toward Stelian.

It stopped at his feet, and nibbled softly at his shoe. Stelian laughed, and the rabbit came closer. He reached out a hand to the little creature. The bunny backed away, before stepping closer. It sniffed his hand, then leaned into it. He pet the soft fur, and the rabbit came closer.

The sudden howl of a wolf startled the rabbit, and it leaped into the cradle of Stelian's arms. He hid the bunny within his cloak, relishing in the warm of the rabbit against his fingertips. He could protect the bunny from the wolves, but who would protect him? The wound on his neck chose that moment to throb, and Stelian winced. He couldn't explain the feeling, but Lucian was close. He just knew. All he could do was wait.

Lucian could hear his heartbeat. Relief flooded his veins and he sent an order for his wolves to secure the perimeter. Stelian was just a little farther. He burst through the brush to find his mate leaning against a tree. Stelian was pale, his lips just starting to blue. Lucian worried for him, but Stelian simply looked on, seemingly passive, but his feelings tumultuous.

"You can't have Ted." Stelian said quietly, not really knowing why he said it. Lucian suddenly turned back into his human form. Stelian startled, his face giving more away.

"Ted?" Lucian asked, confused and very frustrated.

"Ted." Stelian said, opening the cloak slightly, and pointing to the rabbit with his free hand.

"You'll return with me, now." Lucian ordered, growling. Stelian startled again, a violent shiver running up his spine. The cold and exhaustion was catching up to him.

"Why weren't you there?" He asked, needing to know before he passed out.

"Why wasn't I where?" Lucian ground out, taking a step closer.

"You weren't there when I woke up. You just paraded me around like a doll, you bit me, then you weren't there when I was suffering from the injuries that you gave me." Stelian said. "I thought you would be there."

Lucian understood why his mate had ran away then. He took another step closer, then another until he was right in front of Stelian. He cupped his mate's face in his hands and stared into his big blue eyes.

"You are right, I did do that. I am sorry, my love." Lucian apologized, running his thumb over Stelian's cheekbone.

Stelian opened his mouth, then closed it again. Lucian leaned forward and gently pressed his lips to the wound on Stelian's neck. Stelian let out a soft moan, and his eyes slipped shut. Lucian layered kisses over the mark, soothing the skin, and sending warm shocks down his body.

Until Ted got bored. The rabbit sniffed between them, putting its paws on Lucian's shoulders. Lucian groaned and Stelian giggled, reaching a hand up to pet the rabbit's soft head.

"I don't like Ted." Lucian said, scrunching his nose.

"Oh," Stelian said, staring down at the rabbit. "Well, Ted, I think it's just you and I, then-"

"Stelian." Lucian groaned.

"Hm." Stelian replied noncommittally.

"You can't keep the rabbit." Lucian said seriously.

"But he's like me." Stelian stated.

"The rabbit...is like you?" Lucian asked, trying to hold back laughter.

"Yes." Stelian replied, offended as Lucian broke out into full guffaws.

"Love." He said in between laughs.

"What?" Stelian asked indignantly.

"You can't keep the rabbit. It's a she, and she's pregnant." Lucian said, and Stelian flushed crimson.

"I think I know what a pregnant bunny looks like-" Stelian said, then abruptly cut off when he felt the stomach of the very pregnant Ted.    Lucian laughed again, and took Ted out of Stelian's hands and set her down in the snow. She took off into the bush, and Stelian began to protest when Lucian swept him up into his arms.

"Lucian, that is not what I meant, and you know it-" He was cut off as Lucian presses their lips together.

"I know, love. I know."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2018 ⏰

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