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Hi guys! Sorry it's not an update, but I just wanted to thank you guys for all the comments and votes! I probably would have given up on this story if it weren't for all the support I get from you guys, mainly because I only write it at bad times. Like right now, I'm supposed to be doing homework, and I'm not because homework is boring. 

In the original arc of the story, I wasn't necessarily planning on covering the divide between humans and werewolves, I just wanted it to be a get together, break up, make up, and come back stronger. My "break up plan" had been that in the castle, the noble wolves began treating Stelian like a servant, and Lucian didn't do shit, so Stelian leaves and they have this sweet, sugary coming back together. In all honesty, it was meant to be surface level boy love. But the more I worked on the story, the more I realized that I couldn't write a story where a relationship was entirely built on an inferiority complex, and broad brush it as healthy. That being said, it's going to take a lot of hammering and tinkering for me to keep them together, because that divide is pretty massive. 

Another addition to the story that differed from the original is, fan favorite, the red headed woman. I wasn't going to keep her around, hell, she wasn't meant to exist at all, but she became the main voice in the back of Stelian's mind. There's a reason that she objects to Stelian and Lucian together, but she hasn't told me why yet. Red is an enigma, because she dramatically swept into my story, insulted my main character, and made me think about the underlying themes that I accidentally added to my story about men screwing each other into the mattress. 

I guess my point in saying all this is that there are several different ways the story can go with here. They can stay together, they can break up, I can write three solid chapters of them having sex and call it a day, or I can keep letting this bad boy write itself like I've been doing. I'm not sure where it's going to take me, but I'd love to hear your ideas and opinions as readers. Comment if ya wanna, and if you read this far, then good for you. Keep doing what you're doing, love you guys!


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