The Fight/Flashback

Start from the beginning

"Babe, let me in. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." He tried to reason with me.

"Colby Tyler Lopez. You can sleep on the couch tonight." I replied cracking the door and tossing him a blanket before I quickly closed and locked it again. "You're an asshole and you need to learn when you should shut the hell up. Goodnight." I screamed at the door.

I heard him walk away and I threw myself onto the bed, tears streaming down my face. We usually never faught. Even when it came to the past. We fought one time and it was only because he was drunk out of his mind. We screamed and screamed and went to bed angry and it was honestly so horrible. I can't believe this is happening again, but I know he is sober and that's the saddest part.


"Ariel, stop being such a bitch about this." Colby screamed in my face. He just got home from a party and he had drank way to much. I had every right to be upset when my boyfriend comes home drunk off his ass.

"You're drunk as hell and you are being a huge asshole Colby." I simply said to him.

"Yeah sure, I'm always the asshole Ariel. Please tell me more. Nothing I ever do is good enough for you." He screamed back. That last part infuriated me because I had done nothing but support him through everything so far.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean Colby?" I shouted.

"I work my ass off to be able to provide a future for us but no, not good enough for you. I tried to be the best I could be for you to make you better and to make you stop hurting yourself and yet you still kept going because god FUCKING forbid you actually tried to help yourself at some point." He screamed at me. I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

"Fuck you Colby Tyler Lopez. You know I was having problems, you know I was trying to fix myself. Sorry did I not do it fast enough for you? Did I not change enough for you? Is supporting you through your entire career and revolving my life around it not good enough for you? PLEASE tell me how the HELL you got this stupid idea in your head." I screamed back at him.

"FUCK YOU ARIEL. Don't act like you do all of this for me. You love the attention you get from being 'Tyler Black's' girlfriend. That's all you're here for. You're an attention whore. That's why you used to cut yourself and that's why you want to 'change' for me. So shut the hell up because I'm done with you and your shit." He screamed.

"Fine Colby. You're done with me and my shit? Then leave. Go just like my fucking father did. But wait. Why don't you hit me first like he did. Would that make you feel better? I'm leaving. You're done? Then fine, we're done. Happy?" I screamed while grabbing my car keys. Before he could respond I walked out of his house slamming the door. Tears were streaming from my eyes as I got in the car. But before Colby could come out I started the car and drove away.

The road was too blurry and I couldn't think straight. I was going up to a intersection when the light turned red. It was three in the morning and no one was around so I decided to run it. No one would know the difference. But before I knew it a car came at me from the right side of the four way intersection and the car crashed right into my door. All I could see was blood now and everything was getting blurry.

The next thing I knew I was awake in a hospital bed Colby on one side, my mother on the other. They told me I got into an accident. The doctor came in a few seconds later and told me that I broke my arm in several places and that I had a concusion. Colby was crying now, when the doctor left Colby asked my mom for a minute of privacy with me.

"Ariel I'm so sorry babe, I never meant for this to happen. I love you so much I am so sorry. I promise I will never fight with you like that again. Please baby, tell me everything you said before you left was just to make me angry. Please babe."

"Yes Colby, of course I'm not going to leave you. I accept your apology but I need sleep." I nodded off a few seconds after I said that.



Hey guys, sorry it's a short chapter, thank you for reading. Feel free to comment ideas or critisism, good or bad. I love you all xoxo


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