Day 9 😈❤

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Day 9 😈❤ Part 1

Where the fuck am I. I can barely see. The sun is beaming in my face bright as fuck 🤦🏼‍♀️. My fuckin' head is pounding. I notice this is not the couch. I'm in bed, naked! I move my leg after talking to myself in my head. When I move my right leg over while laying on my stomach I kick something hard. I lift myself up to look over my shoulder and I see Donte is sleep next to me. I'm so confused. Didn't he leave and I fell asleep in the den with the girls 🤔? What the fuck? I don't know where my phone is but I see the clock on the night stand is saying 2pm... 2PM! What the hell? How long was I sleep. As I sit on the side of the bed trying to piece my night together. I remeber 5 guys just died yesterday and Donte was the one who did it. We were found and chased. Kate, Ash, and Nessa were kidnapped. Donte tried to kill Max and Maz got away. Ah shit. Max is still out there. As I'm thinking I feel the bed move and I sink a little. When I look back Donte is up and yawning. He's naked too. I stand up with the sheets wrapped around me.

Don: Good morning (leans in for kiss)
Me: How did I get up here? Why am I naked? Why are you naked?

Donte squints at me as I question him. He walks up to me all slow like as I continue to talk. He grabs me and pulls me in close.

Don: Can I have my kiss crazy?
Me: No. Go brush your mouth.
Don: Ouch. That hurt.
Me: When did you get in?
Don: Around 3am.
Me: Looking for Max? You should've just come I was lonel-

Donte kisses me anyway. As we kiss he snatches the sheet.

Don: Don't hide from me!
Me: I'm not trying to... (looking into his eyes)
Don: Ooouu .. Somebody is giving eye contact. Why do you always look at me like that?
Me: Because I finally have somebody worth looking at.

Donte bites his bottom lip and smirks as he chuckles. He tried to lift me up but I put my weight down looking into his eyes left to right "Unt uh". I bite my lip slow and push him making him back towards the bed until he falls on the bed. I lean his head back as I crawl on top of his chiseled body slowly. I do a quick flick to his lips with my tongue then run my tongue from his neck to his chest as I run my fingers down as well. When I reach his chest I proceed lower and lick every bump in his road. I can feel him flex his stomach as I tease his skin over and over. He's just as naked as I am. Yall know I did it... I sucked that dick like I was in love all over again. After the belly button and each side of his lower waist came the head. I swirled my tongue around slow, then swift, then slow again. I slithered my tongue around in my mouth as I went lower and lower. I let every taste bud caress every ridge and vein they could find. I felt him place his hand gently on my head so I took my hand and helped him grab a fist full. "Ah Shit" I could hear him repeat under his breath over and over. I've been moving my head up and down back and forward. When I look up with his dick still in my mouth he's staring dead at me so I give him a show. I lift my head up and move my mouth. His dick is still connected to my lips by a string a slob. When it pops I let my slob run down. I start to rub my slob up and down with my right hand. I move my hand and let him grand a whole new handful of hair and I go down. From the tip to my throat then bring back up and suck the sides up and down then go bacl to the tip and take it all the way down while I swirl my tongue again and again. He threw his head back. It's like my mouth became the safest, wettest, warmest spot he has ever been. I could feel his dick throbbing like it had a heart beat and all his just burst like a gusher! Got Em!

To Be Continued.....

Day 9 😈❤ Part 2

"Sorry bae...." Donte screams to me while I'm in the bathroom brushing my teeth. I gargle then spit in the sink. After I'm done I walk back in the room. I see Donte has put on his sweatpants so I sit back in the middle of the bed. I didn't want to have sex honestly I just wanted to do him how he does me. Donte bends down and comes up with a bloody shirt in his left had. My eyes got hella wide. I just licked everything his shirt could cover well his stomach, chest, and neck that is but I never saw his back. When he turns around I see nothing.

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