They'd talk normally, the jester would spot a squirrel and go at it, the girl would stop him, he'd talk as if he were insane, then the cycle would start all over again.

I don't know why it was so interesting to watch, it just was. They just kept up the cycle, staying in generally one spot.

The sun was setting but I wasn't really paying attention. Again, I'm watching what should be a comedy show.

Soon, it was dark, and the two began to walk towards something. They weren't exiting the park, though.

They were heading over to a duffel bag. I got up to walk over and see what they were doing, but when I got close enough, the two jumped into the duffel bag and disappeared.

I stared at the duffel bag for several minutes before shaking my head. I must have imagined all of that... right?

Looking around, I head out of the park. It was already dark and I needed to get home.

As I walked, I put my ear buds back in and hummed along to the music once pressing play.

I wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings much. I just wanted to get home.

Speaking of home, I was nearly there. But, when I was heading onto my street, I got this weird feeling of being watched.

I shrugged it off as my paranoia kicking in and continued walking as though I felt nothing.

But, the feeling just wouldn't go away. And the feeling got worse when I suddenly felt like I was in danger.

I turned around and was greeted by a man in a blue mask. The blue mask had black goop dripping from it. What the actual fu-

The man shoves me down and gets on top of me, pinning me to the ground. I tried to scream but he covered my mouth.

I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die-

First Person P.O.V.

I sat on a couch in the mansion living room, bored out of my mind. I was watching BEN play Fortnite again but it wasn't as entertaining as it was yesterday.

Yesterday, he was yelling and screaming at the TV because he kept losing too soon. He even began threatening people on the other end of the mic on his headset.

Today, he kept winning. He was probably hacking to win, though. Watching him win was less entertaining then watching him lose.

Standing up, I stretched and yawned. Looking around, there seemed to be nothing else to do.

That was until a little girl in pink with blood running down her face ran up to me with a wide, mischievous grin on her face.

"Toby, Toby! I have a fun idea!" She chirped as she giggled.

"What is it, Sally?" I say as I squat down to her level and look at her with interest.

"I saw Jeff put his white hoodie into the washer then head upstairs! Let's add some red into the washer, too! That way, his hoodie will turn pink!" Sally says while trying to contain her laughter.

I grinned widely and nodded in agreement to her plan. Standing to my full height once again, I grinned down at Sally.

"Let's do it." I say as I think of the best way of making sure Jeff doesn't find out it was us.

Soon, before I know it, Jeff runs into the living room with his hoodie in hand. As predicted, it was pink.

"Alright, who the Hell did this?" He hisses as he looks at everyone in the living room.

Sally and I sat on the couch and played Uno, doing our best to look innocent. Though, Jeff didn't seem to be buying it.

"Toby, I swear to Satan. If you turned my hoodie pink, I will-" As Jeff was threatening me, EJ walked into the room.

"Relax, Jeff. Just rewash it with some bleach or something." He says nonchalantly.

Jeff looked like he was going to argue before he just huffed and exited the room.

"Thanks, EJ. You saved our butts." I hum as I look at him.

EJ shakes his head and sighs, walking over to the couch.

"You would've been dead if I hadn't walked in on time." EJ mumbles.

I only nod as I continue to play Uno with Sally. I finally win and jump into the air.

"FINALLY! I WON! That was longest game of Uno I've ever played!" I huff as I look to EJ. "We had to take the old cards to make a new deck twice."

EJ only shakes his head, chuckling quietly while Sally collects the cards and starts shuffling them.

"Well, I'm going to go hunt for something to eat. I'm out of food in my mini fridge." EJ hums as he heads out of the living room and soon out of the mansion.

I run after him, quickly catching up and walking beside him.

"I'm coming, too! I'm bored and the mansion is dead today." I grumble.

EJ mumbles something under his breath before nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, yeah. Fine." He grumbles as we walk through the woods and towards the city we went to earlier.

We soon exit the woods and head out onto a quiet street. The street was really quiet, too. Like, really really quiet.

After a bit of walking, we start heading down a street with a few flickering street lamps.

Some of the street lamps seem to be out completely. 'I wonder why they hadn't been fixed...'

Soon, I catch sight of someone walking down the street. I look to EJ to see that he had seen it, too.

He starts creeping his way over to the figure, and growling quietly as he goes.

The figure steps under one of the flickering street lamps to reveal a girl with (H/L), (H/C) and wearing a (F/C) hoodie.

I soon recognize the girl as the one I saw in Casey's. The one I ran into and knocked over-

She stops and looks around before turning around. By then, EJ was already standing right behind her.

She stares in shock and confusion before EJ pushes her down and pins her.

I suddenly start to panic. A part of me didn't want her to die. Another part of me didn't want to be killed by an angry EJ.

What do I do, what do I do, what do I do-


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