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"It's about damn time." She chuckles, causing me to do the same.

"Damn it's like that?"

"Yes it's like that. As much as you whined about her-"

"Aye, I wasn't whining." I assure her while shaking her head. Mariani playfully rolls her eyes back towards me.

"Well complaining or expressive about it. Whatever you want to call it. You were doing it, but you finally stepped up to the plate and got your woman. I'm proud of you bro." She shrugs while smiling. I completely thought this was going to go in another direction, because her reaction to this is quite shocking.

"I expected your attitude to go in a whole other direction."

"What, you thought I liked you and that I was going to get jealous?"

"Well, yea." I agree. Mariani sighs while shaking her head in hard amusement.

"No offense, but you aren't my type TyHeem. Yes you're a well rounded guy and have a good head on your shoulders, but I see you more as a brother to me that I always wanted. If you hadn't notice, I'm like the female version of you and there's not a bit of chemistry between us." She protests while shaking her head. She was right. Although she is a woman, she acts like one of the homies. I guess my ego was getting the best of me, because I thought she was feeling a nigga in some type of way. I was thinking that she's was catching feelings, when it's obvious she isn't.

"You're right." I chuckle,  scratching the back of my head.

"I know and I'll chill out with calling you all hours of the night. I do have other friends I can talk to, but they don't understand what I'm going through like you do. I'm happy for you and Kelis, I only hope that our friendship doesn't change you know?" I nod while crossing my arms across my chest.

"Of course. Just as long as we keep things like they are now and chill out on the late calls we'll be cool. I just want you to respect my relationship as all."

"If I would of known about it when y'all first started, I would have backed off. I'm not the type to get in the middle of relationships, if I'm a friend or a future rebound that doesn't know it." She scoffs, heading over to the fridge. I crack a smile and twirl my keys on my finger.

"Okay, cool. I'm glad that we could talk this out. I'm going to go now though and take this trip to Philly." I mumble, mentally sighing at all the commuting I put myself through.

"Okay, have a safe trip. I'll let my mother know that you dropped by and brought her the flowers. Hopefully y'all will get to meet soon." Mariani smiles.

"Yea hopefully. Ard Ima get out of here, talk to later." I inform her as she walks me to the door. She nods as I step out and walk over to the side steps that lead to the drive way. I didn't even see them earlier. Getting in my car, I crank up and get ready to leave. Once I back out the parking spot, I honk the horn and turn on the street. I feel better now that I went on and talked to Mariani. I know Kelis will be happy that I went on and talked to her. It was like she was constantly reminding me so I won't forget. I admit that it began to get annoying, but I understood why she was doing it. She wanted to get her point across and let me know what's up. I know that I won't hurt Kelis in anyway and I need her to know that. She's been through a lot so her trust is very thin, but I know I can change that. I was the same way once but I eventually came around to loving some one again. Kelis was my first choice. We're building things back up from before and I need her to know I'm all in for this. I'm a good guy and she's a good woman. She deserves someone that will do right by her and love her like she always dreamed of. I just need to get us back to that place of where we use to be.

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