Demon Pregnancy|Chapter 14

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Published: Jul/14/2018Edited: Oct/6/2021

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Published: Jul/14/2018
Edited: Oct/6/2021


I winced when a loud explosion entered my ears waking me up from my sleep, my heart beat escalated and my little boy kicked around in my belly.

"Oh god what was that." I whimpered, I saw that Variel wasn't beside me.

I legit had just gotten home from my 'kidnapping' 2 days ago and now there are explosions, where was Variel and my family. I sat up and winced god damn being pregnant was killing my ankles, little boy what I do for you.

I basically waddled out to the living room and my eyes burst into tears when I saw outside my window was smoke. Where was everyone? Why was their smoke outside my building, oh god was there a fire happening.

I picked up my phone and ran to my room packing some clothes, and the little amount of baby clothing I had. Demon babies were always born premature and early, and I needed to be safe for the next month or my little boy wouldn't make it safely into the world.

"Variel where are you?" I said when he picked up the phone, immediately.

"I'm out with your mother, why?" He asked curiously, did nobody have an idea what was going on our here.

"FUCK VARIEL OUR BUILDING IS ON FIRE!" I screamed in tears through the phone, and the sound of his breathing stopping.

"Dear God baby are you sure?" He asked fear in his viens, I could hear him running.

"I smell smoke Variel, I hear them screaming." I told him, and it was true.

But I didn't tell him that the screams sounded like murder being committed, or the fact I could hear the sound of gunshots and doors being slammed open. I didn't tell him I could hear the the families that thought they'd be together forever are watching each other die.

Demon Pregnancy| ✔ Completed| 18+Where stories live. Discover now