Chapter Fifty Two

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Aubrey stood completely still for a few moments to take it all in but she was the only one. Within seconds of Saskia finishing her rather ominous origin story, he strode forward, "Yeah, that's great, we're all gonna die, brilliant ... how do we get Fred back?"

She quickly nodded her head, stepping forward to join him, "Yes, Saskia, hon, please can you tell us how we get him back? I'd feel a lot more comfortable focusing on our deaths if he was here."

"Surely if he's in the Netherworld," Lexy pondered, "You can just nip back and pick him up? Simple as that ... although I kind of feel like that won't really be the case."

Judging by the look on Saskia's face, Lexy had hit the nail on the head. She did her usual uncomfortable squirm before squeaking, "Oh no, you're going to hate me - "

"We don't hate you," Aubrey snapped a little more forceful than she'd intended, "We don't, hon, okay? Just ... just get Fred back - "

"It's not that easy," Saskia whispered, "I ... I told you it took all I had to put him there so ... so I don't think I have enough strength to bring him back yet..." She noticed the look of irritation and vague fear that had prickled up on the trio's faces and quickly added, "But I will in a few months if you give me time - "

"No, you get him back now, you put him in the Netherworld so you ... bloody get him back," Aubrey had never seen George so irritated, taking another slightly menacing step forward which made Saskia cower a bit. Ordinarily, she probably would have vaguely jumped to the girls' rescue but right now the idea of being separated from Fred for even longer was slowly dawning, the effects of the elaborate Jinn history and euphoric rush at finally knowing what the fuck had happened rapidly waring off.

"Saskia, we might not have a few months - "

"I know! That's why I put him there in the first place - "

"Which was a really bloody awful solution!" George cut in, "Saskia, you're gonna get him back him or I swear on Merlin's cock that I will ... I will - "

He seemed at a loss for words so Lexy rushed forward, presumably with the intention of calming him down but was brushed off. Aubrey did feel a pang of sympathy for her friend but right now that really was the least of her worries, George had every right to be angry and the situation was starting to make her more and more panicked by the second too.

"Well, there must be some way to get him back!" She said quickly, "Can I wish it?"

"If you wished for Fred, I'd just create you a new one ... a half one who looked like him but wasn't him ... I'm sorry ... but I would!" Saskia moaned, "I'm sorry, Aubrey!"

"Well ... could you ... I don't know, maybe not do that?" Aubrey shrugged, "I mean, it is your choice ... I think ... actually I have no idea but you must! Or maybe the books do?"

"There are very few books on it," Saskia said, "Trust me - I had a good look! I wanted to try and read about the Jinns you see as - "

"Yeah, what a charming story, think harder ... please," George cut in and Aubrey nodded fehemently in agreement.

"Saskia, hon, please, there must be a way," She pushed on, "I could ask my Dad to snoop around the Ministry ... if he's feeling better that is - "

"No, please don't get Jasper involved, he's awful!" Saskia wailed suddenly.

"Saskia, we might not have a choice!" She yelled back, "If that's what it takes to figure it out then that's what I'll do. There must be a way, couldn't you just ask another Jinn or something? One that's older and wise and has done it before? You mentioned a few who did it, Aali, Lumia and ... the raisin one ... Sultana - "

[2] The Great Orangenie | FRED WEASLEYTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon