Chapter Four

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"Hey ... at least you can get a closer look?"

Aubrey blinked in disbelief before exhaling slowly to calm herself down, "This could be priceless - "

"No, it's really not," Saskia replied, "The original is far more glimmery ... it's not a big deal."

"Yes, it is!"

"... you're right, it completely is!" Saskia exclaimed with double the enthusiasm of Aubrey. 

"We ... we need to let someone know, this could be bad, we could get into such trouble ... but we still need to tell someone," Aubrey added firmly, to ensure there was no doubt about her sentiment. She turned to Saskia, her eyes wide with horror and almost spluttered with laughter at Saskia's near perfect imitation.

"My Dad's around here somewhere, I'm sure he can help us," Aubrey said, holding the door open for Saskia who remained frozen. To prompt her, Aubrey gestured to the outside and only then did Saskia step through, a broad grin on her face, "Why do you look so happy?"

"It's a joke..."

"OI!" The pair of them turned just in time to see one of the men from earlier rushing towards them. Aubrey swivelled, feeling Saskia tug on her sleeve.

"Aubrey, we need to hide, that's one of the bad men - "

"Shhh," Aubrey scolded sternly, briefly shivering at how much like her mother she sounded, "The last time we hid, that happened..."

"Excuse me, that room is classified and locked ... " He glanced from them to the door several times, "How ... how did you get in there?"

"Um ... I'm not sure," Aubrey admitted, glancing at Saskia who in turn looked back at her with an identical pleading glance, "We were ... just looking for someone and then when we went in there, something happened ... there was this gong hanging from the ceiling which ... which fell..."

She had anticipated a look of horror on the man's face but he simply maintained the current level, "I ... I will have that investigated but the repercussions of trespassing on Ministry property can be very severe - "

"We're not trespassing, the door was unlocked!" Saskia said suddenly.

"That's still trespassing."

"Well, it sounds a bit like an invitation - "

"No, it's evidently not," The man replied sternly, "You two need to come with me."

Saskia remained still until Aubrey tugged at her arm. Still, she looked hesitant, murmuring, "Aubrey, he's bad ... "

"Look, I don't like the ministry either, but we can't do anything on our own. My parents are experts in this place ... I assume," Aubrey added carefully, "They can do more for us."

The man clearly hadn't heard her as his next question was to ask if she were with someone. Aubrey quickly replied, wanting to get back to her family as soon as possible, "I'm with my parents, they were here to see Fudge."

"Name? I'll send them an aeroplane, someone will speak to them there about the very severe consequences - "

Saskia leant towards Aubrey's ear, softly whispering, "Those aeroplanes are so cool. I don't think I'll ever stop being shocked, not even if I died."

"Jasper and Mary Jackson," She replied without hesitation, "They might be out by now - "

"I'll send them down once we arrive."

"It really wasn't me who broke the gong, nor Saskia," Aubrey decided to add, rushing forwards a little so she kept pace with him, "It just snapped, I can give you my memory for a pensieve if you must ... it really wasn't me."

[2] The Great Orangenie | FRED WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now