Chapter Ten

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Partly for the company and partly just to switch things up a bit out of pure boredom, Aubrey insisted on accompanying the twins back to their common room. It was met by very futile protests especially after Aubrey reminded Fred of the jacket incident at the Yule Ball where she'd proved herself to be very gentlemanly indeed.

"You know the sweets - "

"Skiving Snackbox," George corrected, "Just trying to get a recognisable brand going."

"I respect that," Aubrey replied, "You know the skiving snack box - "


" - please tell me you're not testing them on unwilling volunteers because not everyone is as forgiving as me. One of these days, you're going to get hexed."

The twins exchanged a confident smirk before Fred assured her, "We can take them on, we're Beaters after all."

"Yes, but you've also missed out on a year of Charms so perhaps your duelling skills might need some work," Aubrey pointed out, "I'm just saying, don't test on anyone unwilling - "

"Unless that person's a foul git," Fred grinned.

"Umbridge?" She guessed.

George grinned, "Swear that's the same thing..."

The three remained motionless for a few moments, the only movement being Fred who was quizzically surveying his girlfriend. From a casual observer's perspective, she seemed fine but there were tells that suggested otherwise, slightly clenched fists and increasingly enunciated consonants. Clearly, the Umbridge incident had rattled her more than she was letting on.

"George, you go on ahead, I'll catch up," Fred said as Aubrey looked up, raising a quizzical eyebrow at him.

"Nah, I think I'll stay," George teased.

"Fine," Fred said, abruptly grabbing Aubrey's waist, "You can stay if you want but it will be incredibly sensual."

Aubrey giggled nervously, "Fred...?"

Her eyes darted to George who's lips were still curved into a smile although his eyes were now giving away some evident discomfort, "Just joking, I was actually going to go anyway..."

With that, he turned away and disappeared through the portrait hall, leaving the two alone.

"Um, sorry about grabbing your waist like that, just wanted him to bugger off really."

Aubrey glanced down, "No, hon, it's fine although maybe warn me next time. I'm getting a bit better at sensuality but some warning would be much appreciated next time. So, why did you want to get rid of George then?"

"Well, just thought you might be more willing to talk if he were gone," Fred admitted, "You seemed really angry."

"Me?" She replied although her lie was evident from just one word, "Alright, fine. It just ... irked me, I haven't done anything to her and you could see it wasn't about the letters. Why does Umbridge hate me so? Is it because we're together and you pissed her off in lessons?"

Fred considered this before shaking his head, "Nah, I don't think so. In fact, I was actually quite good for me ... this is about you."

"I know," She sighed, resting her head against his chest, "It's just if I haven't done anything how on earth am I meant to fix it?"

"Maybe you don't."

"Or ... maybe I do," She replied, "It just feels like there are so many unknowns already and it's not even been a week. We have old magic lurking on the horizon, Saskia probably lurking around the corner eavesdropping - " At the thought of this very real prospect, the two quickly examined their surroundings, " - and now Umbridge just hating me for no reason. I hate this sort of thing because well ... I want to focus on us, I want to help you with ethical testing of your goods."

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