Chapter Seventeen

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The pair of them sprinted down to the edge of the forest, Aubrey frantically in and yelling, "Hello? Where are you?"

This was met by another scream and the two ran towards the sound. It took all of Fred's effort not to outwardly groan when they saw Saskia hanging from one of the branches above them. However, whilst he could suppress a groan, he couldn't suppress laughter. Despite muffling his mouth with his sleeve, a small snigger still escaped but Aubrey was far too distracted to notice.

"Saskia ... how in Merlin's name did you get up there?" Aubrey asked with horror.

"I ... I don't know!"

"Probably not the best time for this question but how can you not know?" Fred couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know!"

"Thought so," Fred muttered under his breath. He knew the girl was in trouble and couldn't help interrupting the date they'd planned to get away from her. Well, his head did anyway, the rest was annoyed and was now starting to wonder if she'd planned this. Usually, she just spent her time in the library so for her to be outside just when they were felt a little oddly coincidental.

"Fred, we need to get her down ... wait," She turned back up to the hanging girl, "Can you climb down Saskia?"

Her question was answered as both noticed the distinct lack of branches surrounding her, making it all the weirder that she got up there in the first place.

"We could levitate her down..." Aubrey suggested, looking somewhat terrified, "No, no, if we broke focus for even a second, she could hurt herself!"

"Wait, hold on," He turned in the direction of the Quidditch pitches, "Here's hoping my Cleansweep's as durable as that bloody awful book was," Holding out his wand, he clearly recited the incantation, "Accio Cleansweep Five."

Both held their breath as Fred readied himself to catch it, Aubrey quickly casting a cushioning charm to prevent Fred from being impaled. His summoning charms were powerful, there was no doubt about it but it's precision left much to be desired.

"Saskia, hon, hold on, don't go anywhere!" Aubrey called up.

Fred raised an eyebrow, "Where would she go?"

"The ground?"

"Oh, right," Fred quickly turned back towards the pitches as she saw something zooming towards them through the air. Aubrey jumped back as the broom came hurtling into him, only mildly winding him rather than breaking ribs due to Aubrey's charm this time.

"Are you okay doing this?" Aubrey asked and he nodded.

"Aubs, I was born ready," He replied with a grin before mounting his broom, feeling like a Knight on his fierce steed. He'd be lying if seeing Aubrey watch him with awe as he flew up wasn't one of the best feelings in the world but like a true hero, he didn't do it for the attention and forced himself to look at Saskia. As he flew up with incredible ease, he noticed a stump by where her feet had been, answering at least some of his questions.

"Okay, Saskia, have you ever rode a broom before?"

Oddly she instantly perked up, "They used to be far more comfortable but I think I remember the luxury ones and in Russia, they use trees as brooms! Trees!"

"Not really relevant to my question..."


"Okay..." He scratched his head as he sat there making Aubrey squeal from the ground. With the utmost care he moved closer, "Do you think you can mount it from here?"

"How? My legs are dangling!"

It was pretty clear that this would go nowhere as Saskia still didn't understand after a few more attempts at explaining. She'd probably get it eventually but he didn't really want to leave her hanging for that long.

[2] The Great Orangenie | FRED WEASLEYDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora