Chapter Thirty Five

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The last few weeks had been incredibly tiring but as January came to a close, Fred and George finally felt certain that the prank was the best it could have been. It had been bittersweet planning it, reminding Fred of a simpler time when they didn't have girlfriends or creepy classmates who were on weird terms with said girlfriends.

It may not have been as elaborate as some pranks but this one had flair and Fred liked a bit of flair here and there. The plan was like an onion with many layers dotted throughout the day to ensure the climax was well earned. First, they put Umbridge's plate at breakfast under time transfiguration, so it would become a tiny pink cat the moment she tried to place anything on it for just a few seconds. She was teaching First Years next and her ink pot was transfigured to do the same thing but for longer. This would happen throughout the day until they were popping up everywhere which was when the next phase could begin.

Curiosity would compel her to follow the cats which would lead her to the Quad. Once she stepped into the quad, she would not just be greeted by hundreds of mewling enchanted cats but also a dizzying array of pink fireworks that would form the shape of a giant one ... they had gone all out.

"It just feels like such a waste. Sure we managed to prank her a bit but this finale won't happen! A waste, I tell you!" Fred complained as they put up the Fireworks the night before, their hoods up so the darkness worked in their favour. George was holding the ladder whilst Fred tucked them away in the branches. Had their precision been better they probably could have done it magically but if they did, the trees would most likely end up destroyed. Besides, they were hands-on boys anyway.

"There, there, we can reuse these ideas," George replied, "A giant fireworks cat is too good to just forget. Maybe we make it a product ... animal shaped fireworks."

"I would buy that."

"Who wouldn't?"

"Yeah, making Lemons into Lemonade or whatever it was Aubrey used to say," Fred grinned, "But it would be awesome to actually do this to Umbridge, that stupid cow. She's been giving Harry hell apparently, forming some silly squad to track him down ... she lessened a bit as of late though."

"Yeah," George agreed, "It really would. Well, maybe we can at another time once Aubrey's managed to befriend her. From what Lexy said about their last encounter that could be sooner than thought."

Fred wobbled precariously on the ladder suddenly, grabbing the branch before George managed to secure the bottom, "Steady on, George, you trying to break my legs?"

"No," He grinned wryly, "That's Saskia's job..."

At last, they were done and left the prank there, hoping the enchantments would work as expected and some First Year wouldn't get a shock.

"Did you manage to do it?" Aubrey and Angela approached them the next day.

They didn't say anything at first other than raise their eyebrows, "Did we do it?"

"When have we ever - "

"Enough of this."

Aubrey smiled, "Ang, let them finish, I like it."

"Thank you, Aubrey," George replied, "When have we ever failed at a prank?"

"Never - "

"Well, there was that one time, but we don't talk about that."


"Fred!" George shouted back, "Well, the simple answer is yes."

"You know after all these years, I still don't understand why you can't just give the simple answer," Angela replied.

[2] The Great Orangenie | FRED WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now