Two: They Say It's Your Birthday.

Start from the beginning

"Andi, are you... decent?" Alex asks through the door. I couldn't help but laugh; he reminded me of my older brother Ryan so much at times like this. I felt a small pang of sadness then, since he wasn't in town for me to see this time.

I composed myself before I could get upset and answered before he walked in, a hand over his eyes. "Alex, I'm dressed, you dork."

He tentatively took his hand away from his eyes, sighing in relief when he saw I told the truth. "Your friend Violet called and said that she was downstairs, so Carly volunteered to bring her up since she needed to get something to drink from the Starbucks in the lobby. However, I didn't answer when Loverboy called, so here."

He hands me my iPhone with a small smirk, seeing that the name annoyed me to no end. "I really wish you wouldn't call him that."

"His creepily obsessive ways can be named far worse things. Remember that, Andi."

I roll my eyes as Alex walks away, dreading the phone call ahead. "He" was Larkin Deyes, my on and off boyfriend back in New York. We met my last year of university, at my very first independent gallery. He was introduced to me by his father, Jonathon, who is a very prominent art buyer and dealer in the city. Larkin was following in his footsteps and learning the ropes, but took one look at me and knew he had more intentions than buying my art. He took me out a week later, and charmed me with his strong New Yorker accent, sculpted cheekbones and his knowledge of the arts. However, that charm always seemed to disappear whenever he got upset with decisions I made, whether it be signing onto a three month tour to selling a piece for only 500 bucks. It'd been a very... interesting three years with him. I truly loved and adored him, but he knew exactly how to push me away, and I hated it because he also knew how to pull me back to him. He wasn't exactly happy that I wasn't thoroughly miserable when he and I were apart, and I couldn't blame him-- but I was shamelessly in love with touring and that part of me would never change.

I take a breath. Better to get it over with now rather than later.

"Larkin Deyes," he answers in a monotone. Sometimes I wondered how he even got clients with a tone like that upon answering. But now was not the time to question his line of work.

"Larkin, it's me."

"Andi, babe, there you are. I thought you were ignoring me for a second there."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Not at all, Larkie. I was just showering. I've got plans for my day off."

"Which city are you in today?"

"Anaheim," I answer tentatively, knowing exactly how he would react. He knew that I avoided Huntington Beach because of my ex, but he didn't know the extent of the reason why. I hoped to keep it that way. I hated talking about him, anyways. Still, he didn't like it when I was close by in fear that I'd run into him, although, if that happened, I'd turn and get the fuck out of there. Why he was worried, I'd never know.

"You're in your hometown?" he says, sounding less than thrilled.

"Technically, yes," I reply. "I've made plans with a few of my old friends--"

"Andi!" I hear that familiar voice call into the room then, an involuntary smile of relief creeping onto my face.

"And one of them has just arrived at my hotel now," I add happily.

"Be careful. Make sure you steer clear of that ex boyfriend of yours, okay? By the way, happy birthday, babe. Hope you have fun."

And with that, the line went dead, without an "I love you" or a goodbye, even. That irked me to no end.

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