chapter 6:revealed

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Hawk's pov
So my old enemy Malcolm charming. But still why did he save rose?" You are probably wondering why I saved rose. Right"" why"I demanded"well as you probably know I still have feelings for rose-"I clenched my fist"-but that was not the reason why I saved her.""explain""3 years ago, I knew I did wrong so I changed my heart.I vowed that I would never do evil again. As I grew older, I started to be able to feel strong evil presences. I felt one strong one somewhere in the school.I was actually surprised that rose was in the school however I realised that she had lost her memory. So I decided to be a new friend but I also had to keep her safe.I could feel an evil presence near her I am not to sure who but we should keep our eyes open." "Alright we should""but first let us start a new. Hi i am Malcolm""hi I am hawk"I knew that we were new friends. We were walking back when suddenly he stopped in his tracks."what's wrong"I asked. "It's awakening-"he said in a shaky voice before passing out. I lay him down on the ground and waited for him to wake up. Soon, the bell rang and he sat straight up. He walked with me but I did not ask him about what he sensed before passing out. What could it be or who could it be?

Rose's pov
I was in the canteen when I felt a surge of invisible power run through me. I shivered. What in the world was that. I don't think I should let anyone know about it they would think I have gone crazy.

Hawk's pov
I was bothered by the power of evil in the air. It was so powerful that I could feel it in my bones. Then suddenly a huge explosion caused the whole class to be thrown into chaos." She's back. She's back." Malcolm hissed like he was in a trance.And out of the dust came a silhouette revealing........

To be continued
Ha! See Malcolm is a new friend many of you voted on old enemy. So there. Also spoiler alert

Just kidding there is no spoiler you will just have to wait and see

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