Chapter 1

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Welcome back readers! If you haven't read the first book "Survive Together" then I suggest you do. It will be very confusing if you haven't. Also make sure you read the epilogue or some of this chapter will be confusing! 

Well here we go! Chapter 1 of "The Key to Surviving"

Ashley's POV:

I woke up from that stupid nightmare once again. Ever since we visited the prison I keep reliving Beth's death. Just seeing her grave made all of the memories flood back. I remember holding her hand as her breaths ran short. I remember the sound of the gunshot that ended it all. I remember being depressed for a week straight, then Carl helped pull me through. I turned onto my side to face him. His shaggy hair was covering his eyes so I moved it out of the way. It amazes me how different he looks. There is a huge difference between 15 and 17 but just watching the transformation is amazing. I look different to but I haven't really stopped to look at my transformation.

He started to wake up so I acted like I was asleep so he wouldn't be concerned that I was awake. I forgot that he usually wakes up early on some days to do a watch shift. He stood up from the bed and walked out the door. I opened my eyes again and stared at the ceiling. I don't think I'll be able to get back to sleep now. I got up and looked out the window to determine the time. I could faintly see the sun start to rise so it must be around 5. I heard the door open and saw Carl standing against the door frame. 

"Hey why are you awake?" He walked over to me and pulled me closer to him.

"I don't know, I just woke up and couldn't get back to sleep. He looked at me with concern, probably knowing that wasn't true but he didn't question me. 

"Well if you really can't sleep you can come on watch duty with me if you want." Wow I have never been able to do watch duty.

"Yeah sure." I grabbed my gun and threw on my sweatshirt and followed Carl out the door. I can tell he's still tired. His voice was still raspy and he was walking very slow. I walked next to him as we passed everyone's house. I could see some lights on in Daryl's house. He must have just gotten done with the shift. We were now climbing up the ladder to get to the top of the shed. Sadly there isn't a guard tower like there was at the prison so we manage with the shed. At the top of the shed you get a clear view of the surroundings. There isn't much excitement though, which is probably a good thing. We've had no walker attacks or any intruders. We haven't ran into anyone since we all went on a run and ran into a group of guys who had there guns pointed to us. But Daryl handled them.

I look over to Carl who is already staring at me and smiling.

"What are you smiling at?" 

"Oh nothing, just admiring the view." I laughed at his response and continued to put more bullets into my gun. We are packed on supplies now. From food to weapons you name it. I'm starting to think all the people are just gone and we're the only ones left. You would think there would be more people passing by here but there isn't.

"Woah Ashley look!" Carl was pointing far into the distance, it took me awhile but then I saw it. There were 2 walkers walking this way. Carl and I haven't seen a walker in awhile and now we actually get to kill one. Why am I excited about this? I guess I'm just so use to this life style. 

"You get that one, I'll get the other one. First person to shoot there walker wins!" I'm always up for a challenge. I made sure my silencer was on tight before I started shooting. I shot once, twice, and a third but still missed it. I then took a deep breath and then pulled the trigger. The walker was down, but Carl already got his on the second try. 

"Oh come on, I haven't had to use my gun in months." 

"No excuses I won." Even though he's 17 he still acts like a 12 year old. I'm kind of glad though, I don't want him to be a boring adult. I know his dad wants him to be the leader some day though. Carl already goes on a lot of runs and helps out a lot with the 'manly' things. Rick is very impressed with him though, you can tell just by the way he talks to him. It's funny though because Carl is taller then Rick now, I actually think he's the tallest person out of everyone. I use to be the same height as him and then one day he just grew a couple inches. 

"Okay kids come on down, it's our shift now." I turned around and there was Maggie and Glenn climbing up to take over for us. I climbed down and jumped off the last step, along with Carl. We went into the dining hall to get breakfast. Basically everyone was down there except for Daryl, I wonder why he's not down. Maybe he's just tired from his shift. I'm not a breakfast person, so I just ate a granola bar and drank a glass of water. 

My mom was the cook so she is always in here working her butt off for us. I guess everyone has an important part in the group. Even Judith, she keeps us entertained. Carlos and his group usually make their own meals so it wont take as long to prepare. They are on one side of the town while were on the other. We always go over to each others sides though just to hang out and get a change in atmosphere. My mom looked at the sunrise and walked out the door.

"Mom where are you going?"

"Oh um no where I'm just going to go shower." She said before closing the door. She's been acting a lot different lately, I don't know what it is but I'm sure it's not a big deal. I hope. 

"Okay supply group were going on a quick run. Meet me down by the cars in 5 minutes." Rick said.

"Well I guess I gotta go." Carl stood up from the seat and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. Well there goes my fun. I finished breakfast and walked back to the house. I sat on the couch in the living room and played with my necklace and read my book. 

"Please get back soon." 

End of Chapter 1

A/N: It's good to be back to continue writing this story! :) Please vote!

The Key to Surviving (Sequel to Survive Together/Carl Grimes Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now