an overnight sensation

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dearest reader,

surprisingly, i haven't written about this before. you'd think that would be the first thing you'd write down when you're obsessed with documenting your life. however the first thing I wrote was about my guinea pig, Rosie, and how she pooped in my hand the first day I got her. But anyway, but the question that is often asked of me, that i have not once written about, is:

what was it like becoming an overnight sensation?

shocking? wild? insane?

I had begun singing when I was young. around the age of two and three, i wouldn't hesitate to belch out th words to twinkle twinkle little star wherever i pleased and i thought nothing of my voice other than i happen to use it quite a bit. I was a loud child. My mother always told me so. When i was six, i entered the talent show, just for fun, and sang until my heart content. That was when i received my first standing ovation and i knew, this is what i want to do.

of course, i'd never thought it would happen. I mean if every kid who dreamed of becoming a pop star became one, what would be the uniqueness in that? and just how many popstars would there be? i bet there wouldn't be many good ones.

when i was fifteen, my voice had matured an impressive amount. If i'm being honest, it was probably the vocal coach I watched on youtube everything single day. I never knew who he was but I worshipped the ground this man walked on.  I was granted a scholarship for NYDCA when i graduated in FOUR YEARS, which was the New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts. My mother had never been more proud of me. My mother is always proud of me, but I could tell in her eyes that she was truly proud of me.

one night, my best friend Bailey posted a video of me singing. I never liked being recorded while i was singing because i felt like i was being watched which has always been a fear of mine. Ironic right? I have stage fright and I sing like I want the world to hear. It would happen to me. she then took the video and posted it. then it went viral.

the morning after there were emails upon emails requesting me for record labels, interviews, and articles. by the time i was about to enter my sophomore year, i was signed to a record label. i was then homeschooled and never knew what the real high school experience felt like. Part of me wishes I could have lived it out and truly been a normal kid Sounds kind of dumb when you get signed to one of the biggest record labels there are, but I only think about it sometimes. I was signed to Stony Bay Records and have been with them ever since.

so to answer everyone's question on what it was like,

it was truly amazing.

there's exceptions to everything though, As much as singing is my dream and passion, I sometimes like to think that i had a different life in store, a normal one.

with love...

"You never pay attention to me," Bailey complains and throws a pillow at me as I finish off my last word with a heart at the end.

I look at the slightly deformed heart on the page with a frown before smearing the ink around and glaring up at her. "I was writing, dummy. That's my job, you know," I tell her as I try to convince her I'm simply writing song lyrics even though I really wasn't.

"Minor details. Who cares? What I want to know is why Haley flipping Forbes can decide on your tour outfits, and I can't!" she whines and folds her arms across her chest. Her brown eyes narrowed in frustration and I can't help but laugh at her. The dramatics this girl puts on, am I right?

"Bailey, honey," I say sweetly. "You know I love you."

"Yes but I can't even have the slightest peek at them?" she asks and pouts her bottom lip with her hands clasped in front of her.

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