chapter 10 (pranking jeff and ben gone wrong)

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A/n: im really happy that you guys like it, its surprising to me becuase not alot of people like my stories becuase they are kidish i may be 14 but i act 8 i try to make this story not that kidish so i geuss its working btw i have horrible grammer and i dont spell very well, so thxs, that non of you have made fun of it yet
So thank you


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I want to get my revege ben and jeff are acting werid so im tired of it ben and jeff went out to kill what im going to do is go to there rooms and make a note saying y/n is in trouble if you dont want anything to happen to her came meet me in the forest by the lake and a picture showing that im in trouble, i have lj, helping me on this when they do come to get me im not going to be there i will be up in a tree i have a little trap that will get bens foot caught and lj will pull the rope so jeff is hanging upside

And im going to jump down from the tree and push jeff i to the lake and no there is nothing to dangerous in the lake, there is only crabs and snapping turtles so one of them is bound to bite

Lj and i put camaras in there rooms so that we know when they see it

And so the plan is in, lj and i get in our places jeff walks into the room and so does ben somehow they read the note at the same time and tell each other

5mins later

I wasnt paying attention and i saw jeff and ben walking to the spot lj and i get ready everything happened so fast instead of bens foot it was jeffs foot and i pushed ben into the water

Knowing ben isnt able to swim i stare at the lake then i saw what happened i panic and jump into the water and i get ben out of the water but then i remebered i wasnt able to swim thankfully one of the turtles noitced what had happened and helped me get out of the water he pushed me to the shore i coughed "crap, y/n what happened" lj send letting go of the rope causing jeff to hit his head

Lj helps me up ben and jeff just looks at me "i dont know they were on opposite sides, jeez im stupid,i didnt think of that" i said "still that was still a good prank you had" lj said "right!" I said pround of myself i look at jeff and ben i stood up for myself they were still on the ground in shock

"Now, what the hell has been going on" i said upset "you guys have been ignoring me, and acting werid around me, jeff your not playing pranks any more, and ben i really did have fun playing those games with you" i said "i-" i inturrupped them "no more secrets tell me the turth, what have been going on" i said lj was coping every move a make i started to laugh "i cant, i was being to serious, LJ YOU CAN STOP NOW" i said laughing jeff and ben laughed to i helped them up then i remember "OH CRAP, ITS WEDNESDAY, GOT TO GO" i said running the other way to see mom

Sorry, this was short, i have had a lot happen, my freinds have been inviting me to places, and im getting a sister and brothers, i have been trying to get new things on my video game and trying to learn how to cook, not only that but also trying to not be a hermet and trying to get better at swimming, yes i can barely swim, I USED TO BE A DAMN FISH, WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO ME

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