chapter 2 (where im i)

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Last thing I saw was the boy grabbing me and katie

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I woke up in a dark room I trying to open the door but it wouldn't move 'its was locked from out side' "Katie, KATIE WHERE ARE YOU" I yelled looking out the window "I'm here" Said a familiar voice from under the bed "thank goodness you are ok" I said picking her up then I heard the door open "your awakening can see child" Said a voice from behind me I went to turn around but katie stopped me "don't turn around" She said "why not" I said and turned around there was a 8ft tall man his skin was white and he was wearing a suit and tie but that's not even the scary part he had no face I started to cry "why I'm a here what do you want from me" I asked/said "I want you to live in this mansion" He said "I'm slender man" "Why do you want me to live here" I asked "because you have a special power and I have been watching you from a while I have seen what you are capable of you think before you and you are the best in your classes you are smart " He said 'crap he know' I thought "that you can speak to animals yes I do know" He said "follow me, child" He said "don't fall him" Katie said but I ignored her he climed to my shoulder I followed him down a dark 'how do I get out of here I need to find a way out of they are probably going to kill me' I thought "you need to find I way out" Katie said "yes I know I'm looking" I said "you won't be able to escape" Slender said "wait you can understand animals as well" I asked "no I can read minds" "Waaa" Katie and I said then I saw a boy he had Raven Black hair White leathery skin he was wearing a white hoodie with red stains on it and black pants his face was the scariest part he had no eye lids and he had a smiles curves in his face he had crazy eyes I backed up "I smell blood it's not only on his face but his hoodie" "What you staring at" Said the smiling killer "Y/N RUN" I turned around and ran, ran back to the room I woke up in and trying to open the window but to no anvil I turn around to see slender and the boy I looked at them in terror "WOLVES COME HELP ME PLEASE" Then the window I was next to shattered and four wolves came in "y/n what wrong" Asked one of the wolves "I looked back at the boy " H-he is a-a killer"

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