chapter 3( i got to be brave)

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"H-he is a-a killer"

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"Hey slendy are you going to kill her or do I have to do it" Says the boy grabbing a knife from in side his pocket the wolves got in front of me 'why me of everyone else in the world it had to be me' I thought the boy started to walk up to me and the wolves "o-one more step and these wolves will attack" I said trying to be brave then he ran to one of the wolves  "I SAID STOP" I yelled at the boy Katie flyer off my head 'I got to be brave' I thought I looked around I saw a shine thing in the dresser that was next to the bed when I opened it there was a knife 'why would I knife be here's I thought to myself I grabbed it when I looked back the wolf he went after was on the ground bleeding he just stood there looking at him I ran to the wolf "are you ok, please stay in there you have to I will get you help just hang in there" I said kneeling down at the wolf "y/n run you have t-th-the chance d-do it now" He said "ya y/n run now" Katie said "no I'm not leaving you guys" U said u got back up and turned around to face the Boy 'he might look scary but I can't be afraid I have to protect my friends "look I didn't want to kill your will friend but he attack all I want to do is kill you" The boy said I clutched the knife "why" I whispered "what was that kid" The boy asked "why me" I said I look at the boy dead in the face "umm slender her eyes are black" He said went to stab the boy but he Dodge then I threw the knife at him hitting his shoulder but he didn't even move he took it like it was a cut you would get from a branch "what" I said then he came for me "now you really pissed me off" He yelled then he and I were lifted off the ground  by TENTACLES!?!?  It was coming from a slenders back "y/n" Said the three wolves and Katie one if the wolves went to go bite the testicle I was on "no don't I think slender is more dangerous" I said stopping the wolf then I saw a blond boy go by and stopped at the he door "hey what's happening here, ohh look its the cutie I got" The blond boy said walking up to me "wait her eyes weren't black before" I swung the knife at him "UGH SLENDER PUT ME DOWN I JUST WANT TO HELP THE WOLF" I spelled at slender then I was dropped to the floor and I ran to the wolf that was bleeding "y-y/n" He said "no don't talk your losing to much blood I pushed on the stab wound " I-it was n-nice to m-meet you" He said I started to cry "no no no no" I ran to the bed grabbed the covers and ran back to the wolf and wrapped him around it I looked at him "don't ho to sleep what ever you do just please don't go to sleep" I said I looked at the other wolves "I'm going to heal him you guys can stay here if you want

Smiling boy view

I just watches the girl doing all of these things after slender let her go " Hey slendy what is she doing and why is she talking to the animals"I asked "ya when I kidnapped her she was talking to that bird" Ben said "she us able to talk and understand animals which is very handy I want her to live here" "Ohh........ Wait WHAT" Ben and I said looking at slender "slender if you don't mind do you have a first aid kit" Asked the girl then the bird tweeted the girl looked at the bird "ohh ya, watch me" She said and looked back at slender "I'll get it" Said Ben and walked off

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The blond boy walked off "y-y/n I'm n-not going to.. Make i-it " Said the wounded wolf "no don't say that you are just wait a bit longer.... HEY BLONDY HURRY UP MY FRIEND IS DYING BECAUSE OF SMILEY HERE" I yelled "HEY WHEN U GET DOWN- " The smiling boy was interrupted "y/n umm you won't be able to save him he lost to much blood" Said slender "yes I know but I have to try" I said then the blond boy came in with the aid kit I grabbed it ran to the wolf and wrapped him as best as I could after I just sat there crying til I fell asleep

Blond boys view

We watched as she wrapped the wounded wolf up and she cried till she went silent I checked on her "she fell asleep" I said 'she's, she is so cute ' "Ben no dirty thoughts" Slender said "ugh I forgot you can read minds" With that we walked out of the room

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I woke up on the wolf I checked if he was breathing but no i started to cry "you tried your best, you knew he would not make it but that didn't stop you" Said one of the wolves "you are strong, stronger than you think" Said another wolf "you guys can leave now I will give him a proper funeral" I said and the wolves left Katie flyed onto my shoulder and I walked out then I saw the smiling killer

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