Author's Message

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Hello guys! This is ErzaSaberIchinose. The weird author of this fanfic. I'd like to thank everyone who's been reading this fanfic. I know my story is not that good, but still, thank you very much from the very bottom of my heart and lungs for your support. *big smile*

So first, I'd like to thank my magnificent God for helping me in writing this fanfic. He gave me this talent and if it wasn't for Him, I wouldn't exist in this beautiful imperfect world. Thank You so much Papa God!  I love You Lord! I praise You always! ^______^

Next, thank you to my wonderful family for supporting me in my fandoms. Thank you because you understand my addiction to anime and manga xD I love you Mama, Papa, and VG! <3 <3 <3

Then, to my crazy yet amazing friends. Thank you for your support. Even though you know how crazy and mischievous I am, you still accept me. Thank you! I love you guys! xDDD

Also, to my ever dearest bestest friend in the world, Caryl Mae Chan (Lil_Shana). I dedicate this fanfic to you! I know you're better than me when it comes to writing stories, but I'd like to let you read the product of my wild imagination xD You're Arisa and I'm Tsubasa right? We'll always be best friends forever :3 Dai suki yo, shin'yu! ^_^

Natsumi Ando-san, I also thank you for making this manga. If it wasn't for you, this manga wouldn't be possible! This is my favorite manga ever! Ganbatte kudasai in your other works, Mangaka-san! ^_______^

And lastly, thank you to all readers. Thank you for your support in this ship. I love you all! Tsubasa x Manabe all the way! *waves the flag of TsubaNabe ship sailing across the Pacific Ocean*

I'd also like to apologize if Tsubasa and Manabe are OOC here in this fanfic *bows 360 degrees*

I did my best not to destroy their characters xD I'm so sorry Mangaka-san if there's a bit of alterations in their personalities *bows 360 degrees*

(LOL just imagine how am I gonna bow in a full rotation xD Is that even possible? xDDD My weirdness strikes again xD)

Sorry also if there are typos, errors, and wrong usage of grammar. I'm just a neophyte online writer. So please do correct me for my mistakes. It will be of great help in improving my writing skills. Please support my other stories (if ever I can make one xD)

Thank you so much and God bless ^____^

~Author-san <3

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