[4] My Missing Piece

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Chapter 4: My Missing Piece

(Manabe’s POV)

Passengers for Hankyung Airlines Flight 741 to Seoul, South Korea, please proceed now to the boarding area. Passengers for Hangkyung Airlines Flight 741 to Seoul, South Korea, please proceed now to the boarding area.

I heard the airport’s voice over repeating again and again to call the attention of the passengers who are going to Seoul. I saw them hurrying to the boarding area. A lot of travelers are waiting patiently for their departure. Oh, by the way, my parents and Shizuka accompanied me here a while ago. We bid farewell and I paid my respects to them. Mom and Dad cried, as well as Shizuka. But the latter went ahead of us because she said that she’s going to visit someone. Who could it be? Oh well. I mustn’t think about it anymore. I’m so occupied with my departure now. Then after sharing some family moments, they left. Ah. I’m so lonely here. I just observed the airport. It’s really big and spacious, noisy as well. There are lot of people going back and forth. The airport’s such a busy place. Ah. 50 minutes from now, I’ll board for Canada. I thought sadly.


Three weeks after the end of the “King” incident...

Akira, how’s the ‘King’ incident? Are you all right?” My mother asked anxiously.

Yes. I’m fine. The ‘King’ incident is over, Mom. Everything’s back to normal now.” I answered.

I heard you got involved in that incident, son. Are you sure you’re okay?” My dad suddenly interrupted.

Yes, Dad. I got involved in finding the real culprit. I’ve been into some small accidents that endangered my life. But now that Midori is now confined, everything’s fine. I’m okay Dad. You don’t have to worry.” I smiled.

My, my. Look at the youth now dear. They’re doing creepy things.” Mom said to Dad. “I’m just glad you’re safe Akira.” Mom put her hands above mine.

Thanks for your concern, Mom, Dad.” I beamed at them. My parents are really worried about me. I’m just glad they’re here for me.

Then the next words that my parents said shook my entire world.

Son, I think it’s best for you if you study abroad.” Dad suggested.

I was very surprised. I didn’t expect him to say that.What? But---

You’re Dad’s right sweetie.” My mom seconded the motion. “It’s not safe here anymore and I think you’ll have a placid and quality education there abroad. What do you think?” Mom added.

I was so shocked that I can’t find any words to reply. “U-um, th-that’s a great idea, b-but...

Son, this is for your own good. Study abroad and forget everything that happened here, especially that horrible ‘King’ incident. You almost got yourself in grave danger. Take a break from all of those bad events that happened.” Dad proposed encouragingly.

I’d love to, Dad. I’d really love to. But that means I’m also leaving everything and everyone behind, including you and mom, Shizuka, and most of all, Tsubasa. Oh what should I do?

I’d like to make up my mind first. Please give me some time to decide.” I finally managed to say something.

Okay then. Make sure you won’t regret what you’ll decide okay? Think of your own good, son.” Dad patted my shoulder.

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