[1] Three Months Later...

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Chapter 1: Three Months Later...

(Tsubasa’s POV)

It’s now three months after the “King” incident. I went back to my old school and because of my long absence, I was called at the Principal’s office. The Principal told me that this would be my last chance and if I mess this up... I would be expelled (for the nth time). *sigh*

Oi! Tsubasa-cchi!” A familiar voice echoed throughout the lobby as I went out from the office.

Oh Takeru! You’re here!” I replied to Takeru, my delinquent, uhm... best friend.

Tsubasa-cchi! Daijoubu? (Are you okay?) What did the principal tell you?” He worriedly asked.

Well, since I was absent for a long period of time, I had my last warning. And if I mess up this last chance, I would be expelled and I would transfer to another school.” I explained.

Oh Tsubasa-cchi! I don’t want you to transfer! Please! Don’t leave me behind! I would really be sad! Huhuhuhuhu (ToT)” Takeru cried comically.

I punched him in the arm. “Baka! (Idiot!) I just told you, right? If I mess up this time, then I would be expelled. Mattaku (Gee), you whine like a baby. Well, all I gotta do now is improve my bad grades and make up for my absences.” I heaved out a sigh.

Hidoi na Tsubasa-cchi! (You’re so mean Tsubasa-cchi!)” Takeru wailed. He then stopped crying in a farcical way. But I can see that he’s still hurt from the punch that I gave him earlier. Poor Takeru... I thought remorsefully.

Ne ne Tsubasa-cchi, let’s go home now. I’ll treat you into some ice cream along the way! Chocolate flavor, your favorite!” Takeru said gleefully.

That lifted my spirits up. Takeru really knows how to comfort me. Well, what do you expect? He’s been a good friend of mine ever since. “Hai! Yosha! Iku zo! (Yes! Alright! Let’s go!)


I went home, well, quite relieved. That was a little... fun, I admitted.

Tadaima! (I'm home!) Arisa! Okaasan! (Mother!) Outosan! (Father!)” I exclaimed as I stepped inside our apartment.

Okaeri nasai (Welcome home) Tsubasa! Okaasan and Outosan are still at work.” Arisa greeted me with a warm smile.

Oh I see.” I just smiled back in response.

I forgot to mention that after the “King” incident, me and Dad went to live together with Arisa and Mom. Just as we twins were reconciled, then so with my parents. I was really glad that they decided to be together again. The “King” incident wasn’t that bad after all. I can say that it has its perks xD

Ne Tsubasa...

Nan da? (What is it?)

Manabe-kun wants to see you tomorrow, 3 pm at Kiyoshi Amusement Park.

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHH???!!!” I was so shocked to hear that from Arisa. “H-honto?! M-maji de?! (R-really?! S-seriously?!)” I panicked, but I tried not to show it to my dear twin sister.

She nodded. “It’s been three months after the incident and he just wants to check if you’re fine.” She said while smiling slyly. Maybe she noticed me panicking. (-_-‘)

Oh... really...” I murmured. “Ano yaro! (That jerk!) He never texted me or called me for three months then he suddenly wants to see me tomorrow?! What an idiot!” I scowled.

Daijoubu da yo Tsubasa (It’s gonna be fine Tsubasa). I’m sure he just wants to tell you something.” Arisa chuckled gently.

Ugh... Fine.” I bluntly replied. But the truth is, I really want to see him too. I miss him... sooooo much.

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