[3] Departure

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Chapter 3: Departure

(Tsubasa’s POV)

”Come on, let’s go to the Ferris wheel.

Yosh! (Alright!)

I didn’t know that this would be the start of unleashing my true feelings.

It was already dusk. It’s bedtime now for Mister Sun. Time for Mrs. Moon to show up together with her sparkling kids called “stars”. I was really eager to ride in the Ferris wheel. I was hopping and jumping around like a kid. Sounds immature, right? But I just love riding in the Ferris wheel. You know why? Because when Arisa and I were still kids, we used to ride in the Ferris wheel every weekend together with our parents. We had a lot of fun back then. Oh, how nostalgic. However, when our parents divorced, we also stopped riding in the Ferris wheel. That was such a sad memory for both of us.

But now, I’ll be able to ride in a Ferris wheel again. Not with my twin sister, but with my ally and friend, Akira Manabe.

Wait a second, is he only an ally and a friend to me?

It’s true that he has helped me a lot of times. He’s dear to me. Under normal circumstances, I’d fall for him but... I still think of Midori. I think I still like him despite of all the cruel things he has done for me and Arisa...

Wait, what?! Tsubasa you idiot! Midori has Arisa already and they’re in love with each other. Let him go! Let Arisa be happy! I internally scolded myself. What was I thinking? Oh stupid me. I should be thinking of Arisa’s happiness, not mine. I’m such a selfish twin sister. Maybe it’s time to forget about Midori and find my fated person. But who could it be?

Okay back to reality. We went inside the Ferris wheel and we just talked about some stuff while waiting. Then it moved. I then looked at the city’s night view. Wow! How majestic! The city lights are just like the glittering stars in the night. Sugoi! *o*

The city looks very pretty, eh?” I asked.

Yes... Really pretty.” He answered. But I noticed that he’s not looking at the city anymore, but directly in my eyes.

I was a bit shocked because he was really looking at me intently.

Manabe-kun?” I asked him nervously. It’s a bit uncomfortable and I felt awkward with him staring at me like that. I waited for his response.

Tsubasa, I need to tell you something. It’s really important. So please... listen.

My heart started beating rapidly. What’s wrong with me? It seems that there are carpenters hammering on it. Oh stop it stupid carpenters!

 What would he possibly say?


a. “I’m gay.” O___________O (Oh I’m gonna freak out.)

b. “I’m actually a perverted alien from Planet Namek and I only disguised as a guy.” O_______O (Impossible!)

c. “I have a very serious illness and it can’t be cured. I’ll die soon.” Waaaaa! Nooooo! >o<

d. All of the above

e. None of the above

Oh shut up Tsubasa! Stop thinking nonsense! I mentally scolded myself again. Oh I’m going crazy! Just thinking on what he’d say drives me insane! >_<

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