Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

On a sunny, spring, Saturday afternoon I was getting ready for what would probably be one of the worst days of my life; right behind the day I lost my best friend. I was trying to decide what to wear. Of all the clothes I had, I probably had nothing that would be worthy of the popular crowd. I had no brand name clothes like Abercrombie, Hollister, or American Eagle. All my clothes came from either Target or Wal-Mart; nothing too exciting. I managed to pick out a polka dotted knee-length skirt, a black v-neck shirt, a white cardigan, and my black flats. I checked myself out in the mirror, turning left, turning right. And finally turning forwards again to check my face. I had bags under my eyes from crying all night and my hair was its normal muddy brown mess. I checked my watch; it read 2:04 PM. Jeanna would be here to pick me up at 2:15 to drive to the mall with her popular friends in her luxury Mercedes convertible.

"Ding-dong!" The doorbell rang loudly. I decided that I wouldn't even attempt to fix my hair. It's just a waste of time. A deep breath and one last look in the mirror, then I was headed downstairs to face Jeanna. When I got to the bottom of the steps I found my mom chatting up Jeanna like a storm. My dear mother even gave her a recently made brownie and continued to tell her that I have been waiting for this all week. Total lie! I was not looking forward to this whatsoever. In fact, I think "dreading" would be a more appropriate word.

"Hey, Mom, why don't you give poor Jeanna a break?" I walked into the kitchen to where they were standing. "Hey, Jeanna," I said very casually. Got to keep my cool if I want to hang with the cool crowd. But, oh wait, I DON"T want to hang with them in the first place!

"Pricilla! Ohmigod! It's great to see you!" Jeanna practically squealed. Why is she being so nice? "I love your skirt! It's so totally hip." And of course she is gorgeous, like every other day of her life. She's wearing this amazing purple and turquoise embroidered-neck tank top and a jean mini-skirt. She's got this wonderful black, long, wavy hair that seems to always be in the perfect blowout. And these piercing green eyes. So as you can imagine, her eyes really stand out against her dark hair and skin. No wonder all the boys drool all over her and the all the girls envy her.

"Thanks... So I didn't know if we were going to buy anything. So, I brought my wallet." Too bad my wallet only has like $50. In Jeanna's world, that'll probably only buy her a pack of gum and some shoe laces.

"We are totally going to buy stuff! And maybe we can give you some advice too! This is going to be so much fun!" Oh no. Did she seriously just offer me clothing advice? She probably doesn't even like my skirt. "Well, Kay and Ivy are in the car waiting. So, I guess we better go. Nice meeting you, Mrs. Burns. I'll be sure to have Pricilla home at a reasonable time."

"No worries! Keep good ol' Cill as long as you want! She really needs to get out of the house." Thanks a lot, Mom. Now I get to hang out with them even longer. Joy.

We made our way out to her car, which was as I suspected. Black. Luxury. Mercedes. Convertible. I sat in the back seat with Jeanna's friend, Kay. Kay is kind of an airhead. It's like she has a strainer for a brain. The information goes in, but just falls right back out. She probably lost a lot of brain cells from all the chemicals she uses for her bottle blonde hair color. Jeanna drove with Ivy in the passenger seat. Now, Ivy is an interesting one. She is a straight A student and she has this fabulous brown hair with natural blonde highlights. She's supposedly never dyed it. She has the biggest boobs in the school and she's extremely smart. Beauty and the brains, best of both worlds, or whatever you want to call it. She gets a lot of attention from the guy population.

They are total polar opposites from me. I've never had a boyfriend. Never been kissed. Don't have money. No attention whatsoever from any guys.

I was so deep into my thoughts that I didn't realize that Jeanna was trying to talk to me. "So, Pricilla, you excited for summer? So close! Only two more months of school and we're free from this prison they call school."

"Yeah. I'm excited for summer. The next two months should go by fast." I actually wasn't really looking forward to summer all that much. It'll be the first summer that Becky and I won't be able to do our annual camping trip. God, I'll miss those...

"It should definitely go by fast with final exams, prom, and all that jazz!" Jeanna sounded really excited. Well, of course SHE would go to prom. Only a sophomore and she has a boyfriend that's a Senior. Jake Browning. The one and only. Starting quarterback on the football team, AND does water polo. Now, you can probably picture how many girls come to the water polo games just to see him in a speedo. I don't blame them though. Jake Browning is gorgeous. He has the prettiest blue eyes, blonde hair, sculpted shoulders, chiseled abs, strong arms, and amazing white smile. He's practically a god.

"Ahhh! I can't wait for prom!" Kay squealed in her annoying high-pitched voice. "Dustin asked me just yesterday! I'm really excited! You guys HAVE to help me find a dress while we are at the mall!"

"Ohmigod! Kay! I'm so happy for you!" Jeanna replies. "Hey, Pricilla, do you have a date for prom?"

"Uhhh... No." I definitely don't have a date for prom. I never really thought about going. I never talk to guys anyways. So, how could I possibly have a date for the prom?

"Oh! Well, I bet we could get you one! You have so much potential to have guys doing double-takes when they go by you!" Oh boy. She's not going to turn me into one of her trusty, busty sidekicks is she?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2010 ⏰

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