Chapter Eleven

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Cal's Pov

I practically ran out of Davidsons's office, Mare's words echoing in my head. I know it wasn't right, but I still love her. And I thought she still loved me, but now I'm not so sure.

When I reach my rooms, there's a note sitting on my bed. I wander over to it and pick it up and read the fancy handwriting.

You know my father isn't going to go through with this plan. He's already thinking of ways to overthrow you during this. It won't be too hard for him to succeed, especially since he knows your weaknesses so well. I'd watch your back, Tiberias. Wouldn't want that crown getting knocked off your head.
                               - Your betrothed

I throw the note back onto my bed and drag my hands down my tired face. I'm beginning to resemble Maven thanks to the bags under my eyes that never seem to go away.

I walk out to my balcony and watch the sun set over the trees, thinking about Evangeline's note. I knew Volo would try to come up with some plan that would ruin mine,  but the fact that Evangeline is warning me about it, worries me. Evangeline doesn't want us to get married more than anything else, and she'd do anything to stop it. So why is she trying not to? And how'd that note get here? She must've had somebody write it for her and put in my room. So that means somebody else knows what's on that little piece of paper.

I feel the metal railing slowly sinking beneath me and look down to see that it's melting. I immediately take my burning hands off and try to calm down. I'm becoming a mess.

I wander back into my room and climb into bed, letting the note fall to the floor.


I wake up to someone slamming the door to my room. Right after the door clicks shut, they begin yelling at the top of their lungs. I immediately sit up and bring up a flame, ready to throw it at whoever had just walked into my room.

"Relax, jumpy. Just came to tell you we have a meeting in a half hour," Farley says with a smirk.

I put out the flame and reluctantly climb out of bed.

"You know, you could've knocked," I grumble as I walk past her to my closet.

"But where's the fun in that?" She says smirking.

I rolll my eyes and hear her walk out of my room. I get changed and fix my hair before heading down to Davidson's office.

I walk in and find Davidson at his desk with Farley and Mare spread out on the chairs throughout the room. I pick one close to Davidson and sit down.

"No Volo today?" I ask noticing the missing camera and computer.

"Just us," Davidson says giving me a warm smile.

I nod and motion for him to start.

"Tomorrow, we'll be heading back to the Rift with our army that will help us take down the Lakelands. That said, we need to figure out our army," Davidson says and we all nod in agreement.

"We already know we'll need all the electricons and teleporters you have available," Mare says.

"Of course. Anyone else?" He replies while writing it down.

"Your Newblood whisper," I say quietly.

Everyone falls into silence and Davidson nods and writes it down.

Farley speaks up next. "We'll need a distraction, so any other Newbloods, Silvers, or Reds who are willing to volunteer and fight."

Davidson writes that down as well and then looks up at me for confirmation.

"Combined with the Rift army and my grandmother's, we should have a large enough group and everything we need to win this," I say.

Everyone nods. Davidson stands with his paper.

"I'll have my generals start gathering people. You are all welcome to breakfast and I suggest you start packing," he says before leaving.

"Breakfast it is," Farley says getting up and following Davidson out.

"Might as well eat with my family. Who knows if this'll be the last time I see them," Mare says before leaving.

I stay and think about Mare's words. I wonder what it's like actually having a family that cares about you and worries if you'll come back from a battle alive. I had that once. With my real mother, Corriane. But she left me. And so did my father. Elara never loved me and she made sure Maven never did. Mare cared once too. But she left just like everyone else. I have nobody now.

I get up and head back to my rooms, deciding to skip breakfast and go straight to planning. I do have a battle to win after all.

When I each my rooms, I immediately sit down at my desk and begin mapping out our entire plan. I need to have a clear idea of what's going to happen before I have to tell my army.

It's almost dark by the time I'm done. I'm exhausted from the constant reading and writing and really just want to pass out in bed, but I'm leaving tomorrow and still have packing to do.

I slowly pack up my things before collapsing into bed and falling asleep.


I wake up to the smell of bacon and eggs and find breakfast on my desk. I eagerly eat it having only eaten a little of my dinner that was brought to me last night.

When I finish, I change my clothes and comb my hair. I grab my bags and start making my way through the halls of Davidson's elegant house and to the front porch.

Mare and Farley are already there, saying goodbye to their families. I walk over to Davidson who's waving at Carmadon.

"Ready to head home?" He asks, turning to me.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I reply. "I kinda enjoyed being away from my grandmother and the constant nagging and wedding planning."

Davidson laughs and leads me to his transport.

"Are the armies already down at the airfield?" I ask as I climb in.

He nods. "They'll be at the Rift, ready to train, by the time we arrive."

I nod. "Good, because we have a war to win."

Oh my gosh!!! 75 reads!!! I know that's not a lot, but that's still amazing!!! Thank you so much guys!!! I really appreciate it!!! You have no idea how happy this makes me!!! I apologize for the billion exclamation points. 😂😂

Anyways, just wanted to let you guys know that I'm going to try to update every Wednesday. So, I guess I'll see you guys next Wednesday! 😂

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