Chapter Twenty-Two

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Mare's Pov

I step back from Maven, watching him. The sentinels surrounding him lower their hands from their weapons, but continue watching my every breath. Maven seems to freeze and his eyes meet mine. Those beautiful blue eyes that are currently searching mine for any proof that I'm lying.

"It's true, Maven. We know someone who can help you, who can get rid of Elara," I say softly, only Maven hearing my words.

He's still looking at me, but his gaze is far off, as if he's replaying memories in his head. He still briefly nods, showing me he understood what I said.

I head back to my throne and sit back down. Cal raises an eyebrow at me and I wave him off. There'll be plenty of time to explain later.

We sit in silence for what seems like hours. Maven is still staring off into space. But his queen has been staring me down the entire time we've been here.

Iris, someone who's seen Maven, knows what he truly is. Someone I thought was once my friend. But she clearly read the reports and knows that it was lightening that killed her family.

I merely smile at her and I notice she tenses and I watch the realization appear in her eyes.

She knows we're going to kill her no matter what Maven says.

She looks to Maven, reaching for his arm to snap him out of his daze. But before she gets close, Maven's whisper reaches our ears.

"You can have the Lakelands. You can have Iris," he says before lifting his gaze to meet Cal's.

His eyes linger there for a second before flicking over to me and I feel a piece of me fall apart as I look into those icy eyes that show so much hurt, fear, and loss.

"Just please help me," he whispers even quieter than the first time.

He slumps back in his chair, his eyes never leaving mine. Iris stares at him, fear and disblief shown clearly on her usually emotionless face.

"Iris will be coming with us after this, and the Lakelands now belong to me," Cal says, quieter than earlier, but still demanding. "We'll contact you soon."

Maven just brifely nods in response. Cal, Evangeline, Farley, and Davidson all begin making their way back towards the jet. Some of Maven's sentinels grab the queen and she follows them, screams and shrieks of protest flying out of her mouth as she goes.

I stand to leave and look towards the broken King before me. His father's crown that's always been too big, sits crookedly on his head. He still has the bags under his eyes, and his black hair is a mess under the crown. I walk toward him and grab his hand. His eyes shoot up to meet mine, and some of the pain and loneliness in them goes away when he realizes it's me.

"Don't worry Maven. I promise we'll help you," I say, tears reaching my eyes.

I squeeze his hand and walk away towards the jet where everyone is waiting.

When I reach the ramp, I turn around and meet his eyes that were watching me the entire walk. I give a simple wave before climbing into the jet.


Cal watches me walk onto the jet, trying to figure out Maven's impact on me.

I save him a trip and sit down across from him.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you or anything?" he asks looking over me.

"I'm fine," I say rolling my eyes. "We just talked."

Cal watches me for a moment before finally accepting that I'm telling the truth. We fall into silence as the jet rises into the air and we begin the journey back to Cal's new palace.

"So, I think we need to have a discussion," Evangeline says, plopping down in the seat next to Cal.

We both turn to face her, and I've got to admit, that mischevious grin on her face and the gleam in her eyes, isn't very reassuring.

Cal motions for her to continue and Evangeline casually states, "Mare, Cal doesn't have feelings for you anymore."

I turn, wide-eyed to look at Cal who's face has gotten silver, the Silver's equivalent to a blush. The temperature around us spikes a bit as I try to process what I just heard.

"Really?" I ask, still not believeing Evangeline's words.

Cal just nods his head and I slump back in my seat in shock.

Cal doesn't love me anymore.

The impossible just happened.

"And as we all already know, Mare no longer has feelings for you Cal," Evangeline says, admiring her iron tipped nails.

Cal and I both sit and stare at each other.

"So you really don't love me anymore?" I ask Cal, surprise still in my voice.

"Yep," he replies, fidgeting with his flame maker bracelet.

"So what does this mean?" I ask.

"It means you two can stop avoiding each other and be friends again," Evangeline says rolling her eyes.

I shoot her a glare before turning my attention back to Cal.

"So, friends?" I ask, holding out my hand.

Cal hesitates but eventually takes my hand and shakes it.


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