The Adventures Of A Lost Girl

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The Adventures of a Lost Girl

Chapter One:

"Becky... BECKY, PLEASE SAY SOMETHING! Please! BECKY... NO!" I yelled.

"I think she's gone Pricilla. I'm so very sorry," consoled the nurse at the hospital, "I'm going to need you to leave, so say your goodbye and go sit in the waiting room with your mother and Becky's mom. Again, I'm very, very sorry."

I cried on Becky's lifeless chest and tried to listen for another beat of her heart, even though I knew I wouldn't. I kissed her on her pale white cheek, and walked out of the room trying to figure out in my head what I would say to her mom. I have known Becky for as long as I could remember. We have been friends since we were six months old. Our moms were best friends back when they were in elementary school. Becky was the person I went to for everything and more. Last fall when we started our sophomore year of high school, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. After that, her life fell apart. Her hair started falling out because of the chemo and she was moody all the time, but underneath all that she was still my best friend.

I still remember the day she called me on my cell phone, crying the whole time. Unable to understand what her sobbing voice worded, I told her I would ride my bike over to her small, cozy home. It was a two-mile bike ride, but I didn't care, my best friend was crying uncontrollably and, well, I frankly just didn't care. I pedaled as fast as I could and my salty perspiration was dribbling down my face and into my mouth. Once I got there she cried on my shoulder, I was still unable to understand what she was saying, so her mom had to translate for me. Once I got her calmed down she told me how she felt about the whole thing. She told me she was afraid she was going to die and she didn't know how her life was going to carry on. A tear ran down my face just thinking about it.

"Hey guys... She's gone now. I can't believe she's gone now." All three of us burst into tears. Becky's mom, Dana, went into the room where her daughter was laying in a hospital bed. Dana started talking to Becky's innocent body. She was stroking my best friend's bald head like it was a puppy and crying ,just like I was, on her chest.

All week, every day like the next, I moped around at school wishing that dreadful time would end. On Friday night, I locked myself into my room and stared at the ceiling until dinnertime when my mom interrupted my peaceful state of mind.

"Honey? Pricilla? Please come out of your room and have something to eat. Maybe it will help? Pricilla?"

"Nothing will help, Mom! Unless you have my best friend out there I don't want to come out! Ever!" I screamed at my mother.

"I know your upset, but you can't keep thinking about the past, living in the present doesn't mean you have to forget Becky, she will always be in your heart. However, don't let her keep you from living your life. I know it's only been a week, but eventually this has to stop and you have to move on. Now come down stairs and set the table, please."

Sometimes I wish time would just stop, so I could do whatever I want and for however long. I need time to recover, TIME is what I need. It always seems like we never have enough of that, though. Time is what controls our lives, we only have a certain amount of time to live, we only have a certain amount of time until we have to face our fears.

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