pt. 2: sarah tries polygamy and fails

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One day, while in town, Sarah and Jack met Lewis. They became very good friends, and eventually, Lewis asked Jack and Sarah to marry him. So, then ensued Nebraska's first three-way marriage.

Sarah then had a kid with Lewis; his name was Wilbur.

Sarah then had a kid with Lewis; his name was Wilbur

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(Yes, this Wilbur. I told you these characters weren't mine! And I recently watched Meet the Robinsons. Don't judge!)

All was well in the Jack-Sarah-Lewis household, or so they thought. Recently, Jack had been getting calls from his lost lady-love Flamenco Girl. He had been thinking about her a lot, and finally decided to leave Sarah and Lewis for her. Jack took the leg child and ran off with Flamenco Girl. Sarah was sad, but she had Lewis and Wilbur, so she was fine.

Well, Sarah's life had been pretty up and down the past few years, but it was finally starting to level out. She had a husband and a kid and a house. Her life was great; but there was someone else in Georgia whose life was not going so well.

Simon's sister, Nora, was mad. Her brother had been killed and it was that stupid Centipede Dog's fault. She wanted to exact her revenge on the dog, but he was dead, so she did the next best thing; hurt someone important to Centipede Dog aka his old owner aka Sarah.

Nora had spent years trying to pinpoint Sarah's location. Finally, after 7 years, she had found it. Nora headed on the next flight to Nebraska.

Sarah and Co™ were sound asleep when Nora arrived. She snuck into the house through the front door (it was unlocked) and into Wilbur's room. She snatched him up and walked back out through the front door. Wilbur just went along with it because his dad was kind of a dork tbh.

Sarah and Lewis woke up to a note the simply said:
I took your son because your dog killed my brother. He didn't fight my kidnapping attempts, so I think he wanted to be taken. Yikes. Bad parents much?
-Nora (Simon's sister)

Sarah was pretty unfazed by this because at this point, what else could she expect? Lewis felt bad so he tried to sign up with an adoption agency online, but Sarah told him that it was okay and that she'd been through a lot but always pushed through. Lewis gave her a big hug and they went back to sleep because hey, they didn't have to take care of a kid anymore.

Go to _AgOnY_ 's account to read part 3/ Jack's backstory. It's based on the movie Jack and the Cuckoo-Clock Heart, btw. (The movie is on Netflix.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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