Chapter Thirty-Three

Começar do início

"That's me," Mason said with a small smile, "in the flesh."

Eve wrapped him in a hug. "It's a pleasure to meet you," she said. Eve then pulled away and stared into Mason's eyes. "Those are not contacts, are they?" she asked inquisitively.

Mason shook his head. "All real."

"Well it's only the cherry on top that you are a rare wolf as well," Eve commented. "I've read of wolves such as yourself but never met one. I bet your coat is marvellous."

Mason looked at Kane suddenly, fear in his eyes.

Eve seemed to notice the change in mood and quickly backtracked. "I won't harm you dear," she told him with the strength of her Alpha charm behind the words. "I am only interested. While you are here, all three of you are under complete protection. We at Rosemont take our duty as hosts very seriously."

Kane would have been worried if it wasn't for the truth he heard in Eve's words. He knew that she really was just being kind. It seemed that this girl just really didn't have a filter. He liked it, with the way his friends and family had been acting lately, it was refreshing to see Eve always speak her mind. He felt like he could trust her.

"Thank you, you've been very generous," Mason told her. "I didn't mean to insinuate anything."

Eve waved his concerns away. "It's fine, anyway, your Alpha Victor has been a friend of my fathers for many years. We are happy to help," she explained. "Now, you," she turned to Nora, "must be the bonded mate."

"Yes, I'm Nora," she said.

Eve wrapped her in a quick hug. "My darling, I cannot wait to show you around Rosemont. There are many boys who might catch your attention once this mate bond is broken between the two of you!" she said happily.

Nora pulled back from the hug and looked at Eve warily. "That's quite an offer."

Kane couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy flow through the bond. He had to push down the few drops of anger he felt bleed into his veins from the bond. He knew that he had no right to feel such things, he really did want her to find her mate and be happy, but the bond said otherwise and it tried to convince him that this jealousy was warranted. Kane steadied his breath and tried to ignore the bond.

Eve smiled before noticing the bandage that just peaked below Nora's sleeve. "You're injured, my darling, what happened?"

Nora looked to Kane.

"We encountered a little rogue trouble on the way here," he explained. "I'll tell you about it later."

Eve's face dropped. "That's horrible news. You poor things, I better get you upstairs so you can rest before dinner."

"That would be wonderful," Mason agreed.

The three of them grabbed their bags and Eve led them through the house and towards a grand staircase. Kane glanced around the room as they walked, amazed by the grandiosity of it all. He had thought Nora's home had been a mansion, but somehow this place was almost double the size of it.

Eve led them to a door at the top of the stairs. "This one is yours, Nora," she said.

"We are in separate rooms?" she asked.

Eve nodded. "Unless you want to stay with them?"

Nora shook her head quickly. "I will be grateful for a night away from their endless PDA," she said with an eye roll.

"PDA?" Kane asked with wide eyes. "We can't even kiss."

"Still, you two are too lovey-dovey for me," she said with a smirk. Nora opened the door. "Come get me when dinners ready."

The Wrong Mate (BoyxBoy)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora