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King Dice held the door for you as you walked in.  You two always arrived early at three o'clock. This was before everyone else. Including the Big Boss Mister Devil. This was so King Dice could get a head start, grab you so you don't wonder off, and so you have time ti set up however you want and so you zone out BEFORE work.

"Thank you Boss!"

You chirped and skipped over to your bar, your favorite part of the casino. You looked at all the cuos and bottles, making sure everything was in it so placed. King Dice grabbed a stack of papers from his desk in the back office and walked back to the bar, stirring down to do it. Even a con man like Dice prefers to have company.

Your glasses were in place, the different achohol organized by type, and types organized alphabetically, and you had your towel over your forearm so you can use it swiftly when needed. You got bored so your mind started wandering with your eyes. Both started to focus on King Dice's papers.

"What are those, Boss?"

King Dice looked up and saw you leaning very close to him, over the bar, to see the text on the papers he was going over. Your curiousity amused him. You were ever curious, and ever focus redirecting. He chuckled to himself, amused by nothing more than your personality, and showed you the paper.

"This is what we call a soul contract. When a guest bets their soul against the devil and loses, we take their soul as a bet. We keep their souls legally by contract. If this goes away or is invalid, they get their soul back. They can get their souls back if they pay back every gold coin they gambled away in the casino. Unfortunately, no one has been able to so far."

So this little piece of paper contained someone's soul? That was so cool! Your eyes lit up with wonder and curiousity. You wanted to know more! You started reading the big text first. The name read Captain Brineybeard and a squiggly word or two was on a dotted line at the bottom. That was his signature, right? Then in a brilliant moment you put two and two together.

"Do I have a soul contract? I came here before and wasted all my money!"

King Dice has never in the history of his life heard anyone say something like that so cheerfully. In fact, he was so shook he had to blink and reprocess what's you said in his mind again. He had to reboot, to put in simpler terms. King Dice had to redirect your attention again. With your ADHD that should be easy to do. Oh! Lightbulb.

"Why don't I show you a trick instead?"

King Dice set the paper down. Your eyes cleared again with interest, but an interest in a different topic. Good. You're easy to manipulate however he wants you to be manipulated. He just doesn't want anyone else to manipulate you. He watched you gasp Andy spin around in excitement. Like a cute puppy.

"I love love LOVE tricks! Is it a magic trick like Hopus shows me? Oh! Or Is it a mind truck like Mister Wheezy tells me! Oh I think those were called riddles. But anywho I LOVE tricks! What kind of tricks?"

And there we go with that hyperactive cute little version of you. King Dice took out his loaded dice from his sleeve. He showed you the dice. And rolled himself. He rolled a three and a six. A roll of nine. Then he reset the loaded part of the dice to a new place. He handed the dice to you.

"Now, I can predict what number you roll. You will roll two sixes, a twelve. Now roll."

You nodded and with a wide smile you rolled the dice. The first die landed on six without a hesitation. The second die went AWOL and rolled onto the floor. After bouncing and being a bit too extra for King Dice's liking, the die landed on six. You gasped and squealed.

"It worked! You did it! You guessed the rolls! You were right! You're magic like Hopus! That was SO cool!"

King Dice enjoyed being showered with the praise. He smirked and hid the loaded dice back into his sleeves. He then focused back down to the soul contract for that no good pirate. The scumbag is digging himself deeper into debt. Maybe he needs to raise the stakes a little bit. That's when the devil walked in from the back, his room not Dice's office.

"Dice, (Your name), good evening. Have you both started working?"

The devil took a seat at the bar next to King Dice. You nodded happily. King Dice slid the contract over to the Devil. The devil looked at it and identified it as Brineybeard's. He remembered when he first gambled against that scruffy pirate. Good times.

"He's further in debt, sir. We should intimidate him or something. We need that money."

Your interest was taken again. You had that curious gleam in your eye and you set down the glass you literally just started ploishing seconds Ago. You jumped on the counter with your legs kicked a little, leaning over after settling down. You caight both of your employer's attention by doing this little eccentric action.

"So the soul contract people are In debt after gambling, right? Then how do they earn the money they spend if they don't do it By working here?"

The only way you knew to pay back debt was to work for the Devil here to earn it back. The devil glared over at King Dice. King Dice awkwardly kept his smile up. You weren't ever supposed to mention the knowledge he was sharing with you in front of the devil. He was going to get an ear full later. 

"Well, we leave them to their own devices for making cash. But we give them deadlines. Our friend Mister Pirate is losing money, not earning it. So we're going's to have to, uh, encourage him to find a way to earn more."

King Dice explained it to you. You understood, smiling that clumsy smile of yours. But then it made you think. It made you think back to you. You still never got an answer about your contract. You pursed your lips, crossed your arms, and pouted. King Dice knew he messed up when you were upset.

"You still never told me about my contract, Boss!"

The devil snickered. You were acting like a little kid and as if King Dice was your daddy. King Dice elf his eyebrow twitch a little bit out of nervousness. Let's just say he didn't like seeing you upset. You were his favorite after all. He lifted his collar a bit and looked at his employer for a little bit of help here. Devil got the gist.

"Oh, you payed it off months ago."

King Dice had a panic attack. Well, not really. But he was in panic. He quickly looked over st you to see you paused. Your arms were at your sides and you had the mos right blank face ever. Processing... processing... Transaction completed.

"Can I still work here? Please?"

The devil rose an eyebrow. Wait, were you offering yourself to work here even without debt? Working for the devil himself in your own special version of Hell? He looked over at King Dice who seemed relieved she wasn't going to quit yet nervous about the whole ordeal. The devil smirked, seeing the only place this could go.

"Of course. Your paycheck starts this week. Payday is Friday. You get minimum wage."

King Dice's jaw dropped straight to the floor. He was going to pay one of his employees? Not only that, but he was going to keep an employee who wasn't bound to him by contract!? King Dice fixed his bow tie as a fidget movement.

"I didn't need to be paid, Boss, but thank you so much! You won't regret it!"

Man, you really were an airhead. Easy to manipulate. Yet fun to toy with. The devil smirked and walked off, leaving His good for nothing lackey with the airheaded barista. She probably will just save all the money to buy nothing anyways.

But that was.... something.

Black and White Batista [King Dice x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now