Chapter 1: First Impressions

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It was a fall night, the stars where out and a blue hedgehog stared out the dark sky from his bedroom window. His bright emerald eyes eyed each and every one of the stars. He loved star gazing up at them each night just wondering how far where they. How they gain that bright gleam of theirs, a very amazing lighting.


A soft voice broke him off his trance and he turned around. A yellow kangaroo in a maid dress peeked in the room. The small hedgehog blinked in shock. "Mattie?"

"You're going to miss the royal dinner with the king and mayor of Angel Island." She told him looking nervous. The boy gasped and got off the window cushion. "I forgot!"

He rushed to his wardrobe and opened its doors. "I'll be there in less than a minutes." he told her. The kangaroo nodded and closed the door. The boy looked at all his outfits. He bit his lip and looked at all of them. "Which one was it?" he asked himself.


In the dining room downstairs a bunch of echidnas and the royal hedgehog family gathered around a table of glass and silver and all sat on solid gold chairs. A light purple hedgehog with purple, puffed up, scattered hair, and a beautiful white gown sat next to a blue hedgehog that had a red suit with yellow straps in it and a red cape. He had a golden crown with gem stones in it on his head.

The two were the rulers of Apotos, King Jules and Queen Aleena. Both were sweet and caring for others, but the king had a more mellow personality than the queen. The queen was free-spirited and wild, but still took her responsibilities seriously as for her husband had no time for fun and games, but still they were a very noble to their needs while their son...

"I'm here! I'm here!" yelled the blue hedgehog as he entered the room with his super gifted speed and rushed to the side of an empty chair. The echidnas stared at the young prince who wore a white prince suit pull his chair out.

The king held a scowl frown and said in a low voice, "Your late again, Sonic."

The blue hedgehog sighed slowly taking a seat next to his father. "I know, I know. I'm sorry everyone." He said politely with his eyes closed.

"It's no problem your majesty all's well." said one of the echidnas. Sonic smiled up at the nice orange echidna.

The king looked at him firmly. "Please don't let it happen again." He told him. Sonic's eyes looked away from his father ashamed. "I'll try," he grumbled and closed his eyes.


The rest of the dinner was torture for Sonic. All he did was talk about something that didn't concern him and eat and look at Mobions. The only fun part about it is that at the end he got to meet a young echidna named Knuckles, which will someday guard Angel Island and the Master Emerald that give power to this enchanted floating land. They had a long conversation until they left of course.

Sonic sat on the cushion next to the window. Looking back at the stars again and he sighed.

Every Friday was the same and it was boring. He wanted a friend he could play with. Someone who he could tell everything to, but no, he had no one. He made friends really quickly so it was no problem to make them. The problem was he couldn't really go and play with them like a regular kid would.

He was the prince and so he couldn't go out the castle because of this war that went on. It was too dangerous for him to go out the castle's walls. He could always dream of going out into the land though. Sonic looked up at the brightest star in the left as he laid his head in the window. He smiled at it.

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