Talks with Harrison

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You and Harrison never really talked. Like ya, you have had small talk here and there but you never really sat down and talked. This situation seems like you really need to sit down and talk.



"Can I talk to you about what is happening?"

"Sure, whats on your mind?"

"They are just so jealous of each other. They focus too much on beating each other that I feel like a pawn in all of this. To be honest, I don't even know if they would like me, they don't even know anything about me. They just see me as a pretty girl that the other one has."

"That's not true at all."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm friends with both of them, I know they actually like you for you."


"Oh, yea. Harry tells me all the time how smart and beautiful you are, not just on the outside. He tells me that you love animals and that you care for so many people. Tom tells me how amazing you are and how outgoing. You talk to anyone, even if you are shy at first. You put others before yourself and you such a daredevil when it comes to fun things. You can't find that out just by looking at someone."

"They say that about me?"

"Of course. all the time! I can't stop hearing about you from both of them."

You laugh, but remember the events that took place that night.

"Harrison, they are ripping each other to shreds because of me. I don't know if I want to do that to them."

"You can't leave them. I know this is hard for you to understand but Harry has never had a serious girlfriend and Tom hasn't found love since... well... his ex. You mean everything to them. If you leave they will blame themselves and each other and it will be even more of a mess."

"That would be even worse."

"yes, it would. Just don't worry about it. They will figure it out eventually. I promise."

"Thanks Harrison. You have no idea how much this has been weighing on me."

"No Problem"

You step out of the car and he gives you a hug before driving off. You breathe in deep and whisper

"Everything is ok."

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