The Fight

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Tom is going to drive you home, but he needed to pick something up from his house. He didn't want to be rude so he invited you in. It was a nice apartment and It had a great view. You kinda stand awkwardly at the door. You didn't want to come all the way in cause tom said he will be just a few seconds. You see some wrestling in Toms room. You walk in there to see if everything's ok. He said everything was fine, but as he said that Harry walked past.

"Hey, (Y/N) what are you... Doing... Here?"

He saw you and tom in his bedroom. That looked bad.

"What are you doing Mate?"

"Nothing it's not what you think."

"Oh really? You take her to a club on the first date. shes in a sexy dress. And you're both in your room. I think I have an idea whats happening"

"Oh, this looks bad..."

"Harry you're being ridiculous."

"Really, this is the girl that I liked, but you had to have her too. You always get your way, Tom. I can never have anything you have."

"Excuse me?"

"Ya I said it. I am trying to get to know her and woo her heart and you take her home on the first date. YOU CANT EXCEPT THAT SHE LIKES ME!"

"Woah Harry, watch yourself."

"I can't believe I trusted you."

"Harry stop it right now."

"Make me"

At that point, Harry walks towards tom and shoves him. Tom doesn't do anything cause it's his brother, but he's got a fire in his eye. you have to do something.


Harry looks at you and snaps out of it. He walks away. You walk out of the house with tears in eyes and fear in your heart. You call an uber, you don't want to deal with Tom or Harry right now.

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