The First Date with Harry

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Harry told you to wear something comfy, something you could move around in, But something pretty. You decided to wear a striped shirt and black pants. It's easy to move in but its still beautiful. 

He picked you up in the afternoon and he took you to a nearby forest

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He picked you up in the afternoon and he took you to a nearby forest. The trees were high and it was absolutely beautiful. 

"We are going to walk around the woods, I love doing this."

You start walking and take in the scene. It was breathtaking. There were a set of train tracks in the middle of the forest.

"This is where I take pictures of Tom and Sam. It's just so pretty here."

"ya it is, it's so calming"

"I brought you here to take some pictures of you, I love your outfit today. Its perfect"

He brought up his camera and started taking pictures of you.

He brought up his camera and started taking pictures of you

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He showed you the pictures.

"See you're beautiful."

"Thanks, Harry, why don't I take some of you?"

"Oh no no. I don't star in pictures, that's Sams and Toms job. That's just not fit for me."

"why not?"

"I'm just not the model type."

"What are you talking about? There are thousands of girls that love you, they would love to see more pictures of you. To Be honest, I'm lucky to be even talking to the Harry Holland. So many girls would kill to be in my shoes right now."

"Really, you think so?"

"I know so. Your Smart, Charming, Funny. everything a girl wants in a guy."

"Thanks, Also I brought a blanket so we can lay and have a picnic. I made all the food myself with help from Harrison."

You giggled. After seeing Harrisons, "How to Make Pancakes with Harrison Osterfield" video, you didn't trust anyone else with food. 

"Don't worry we actually read the cookbook, it's not like his pancake disaster."

You try the food with caution. It was actually pretty good. You're impressed and thankful that Harry did something for you. You both laid down and stared at the sky and the trees.

"It's weird to think that these trees have been here hundreds of years before us. You should see the trees in England, They are even more beautiful."

"I have always wanted to travel to England and Europen countries. They just seem so interesting."  

"They are beautiful and there are a lot of things to do, but America. That's where the magic happens. There are so many interesting people in LA to meet and to take pictures of. It's like a photographers dream."

"I guess, I know you're into that kinda thing, but I'm more interested in like music. You can do music anywhere."

"I didn't know you like music. Do you sing?"

"A little but I play the violin. and I can play the piano"

"My brother Sam can play the piano. He's really good at it too."

"That's great, I would love to play my violin with him."

The clouds started to get dark.

"It looks like its going to rain, let's get going"



He walked you to your doorstep.

"I had a great time with you, and I would like to do it again."

"Me too."

He reached down and gave you a whisper of a kiss. It made your heart flutter, and you couldn't help but smile as you walked into the house. It was one of the most fun, relaxing days of your life.

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