Sleep Talk | Hyunjin x Reader

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(( he looks so hot though like wtf ))

It is currently 1:30 am and you're still waiting for Hyunjin to come home. You lounge around on the couch watching random anime on Netflix till you look at the time once again and sigh.

03:45 AM

'Where is he?' Just as that thought got into your head, you heard the front door open and the clank of keys being placed down. You immediately rush to the door and engulf the sweaty Hyunjin into a tight hug.

He was surprised at the sudden hug as he stumbled back a bit but wrapped his arms around you tightly nonetheless. You both stayed in that position for a while at the door before separating and heading to our shared bedroom.

"Hey baby!?" Hyunjin shouts from the bathroom just as he finished his shower after being all sweaty from practice. "Yeah?" You shouted back and Hyunjin walks out of the bathroom with only his sweatpants on hanging low on his waist.

You looked at him for a moment only to turn back around after shrieking and covering your eyes with your hands after seeing the sexy sight of a shirtless Hyunjin. Poor Hyunjin, being oblivious as he is, stared at you with a confused face seeing you get all red.

"P-put a t-shirt o-on or s-something." You squealed out and got even more red after Hyunjin shifted closer and removed your hands from your eyes. "Well that's the thing... you're wearing my hoodie." He reasoned out.

You stared at him in disbelief and tried hard to not stare at his beautiful chest. "Like you totally don't have so many other shirts in your closet. Sureeeee." You said while dragging out the 'sure' and glaring at Hyunjin. He started stomping his feet on the ground and whining, saying, "But I wanna wear that hoodie."

You grumbled but proceeded to find another shirt to wear so that you could give Hyunjin his hoodie. You walked over to his closet and picked out a big, white shirt that came till your knees. You pulled off the hoodie and tossed it to Hyunjin and wore the white shirt. Meanwhile your beloved boyfriend was staring at you in shock and feeling the blush creeping onto his cheeks and ears. He was utterly surprised as this was the first time he had seen you shirtless in your entire relationship of two years.

As you turned to him, you caught sight of his bright pink blush and gazed at him in confusion. "Are you ok, Hyunjin-ah? You're blushing a lot." You questioned him. "N-Nothing. L-let's just g-get ready f-for bed." He stuttered while quickly pulling the hoodie over his head and jumping onto our shared bed. You just shrugged before joining him and snaking your arms around him. He wrapped his arms around you and you both fell into a deep, comfortable sleep.


"Hmm baby.. you're so soft.."

"I love you... food."

"Can I drink some cola now?"

You woke up to hear random sayings coming out of Hyunjin's mouth. Sigh. Not his sleep talk again. "Hyunjin-ah." No response. "Hyunjin." Again, no reponse. "Hyunjin!" He immediately shot out of bed. "Huh-huh what. Is there a robber?" He asked, still dazed from his sleep. You chuckled at his behaviour and replied with, "No you silly. Your sleep talking habits started again." Even more giggles erupted from your mouth.

"Oh. Ha ha.." Hyunjin awkwardly laughed and looked down in shame. "You're so cute Hyunjin." You squealed and hugged him tightly while he continued to stare at his hands in embarrassment. "Ahh!! You're too cute Hyunjin. You'll kill me with your cuteness someday I tell you." You gushed and never stopped until Hyunjin started complaining, "I'm not cute! I'm manly and sexy as hell."

"Hahaha dream on Hyunjin. You'll always be my cute baby." Apparently what you said caused something in him to snap because, before you know it, you're underneath Hyunjin with him straddling your lap and having your wrists pinned above you with his hands. Hyunjin was staring at you with a lust-filled look. "How about now. Am I cute?" He asked as you, in turn, you began to feel the blood rush to your cheeks, creating a red hue.

"N-no.." You answered and then suddenly, your boyfriend decided to stop acting and hopped off of you and gave you a cheeky smile. "Gotcha." And those were the last words he had ever said before you started attacking him. And believe me when I say, you don't want to tease me.


Hello! I hope you enjoyed this messy, short story I wrote for Hyunjin of Stray Kids!! As this was written on my phone. There might be minor mistakes made, so please do inform me if you find any! Also I'm so so so sorry for being inactive since I got out of school. I've just been very busy during the summer. But I promise to try and update more frequently. Thank you for reading!! Vote and comment if you want more. My request page is also open!

- Livia

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