League of Legends | Dino x Reader

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The aroma of coffee joyed my heart as I entered the café. I went up to the counter and smiled at the cashier. "Hey Y/N, your usual order?" Chan asked, his bright grin making heart flutter with butterflies erupting in my stomach like a volcano. "Yes please." I replied, fishing for my wallet in my pocket.

He typed something onto the screen and went to make my order. I waited for my drink and my signature favourite, Tiramisu Cake. Chan came back with my order and I handed him the amount of cash needed. I smiled and thanked him before going to my normal booth and switching on the gaming computer.

I logged onto League of Legends and saw Dowoon online. I clicked on my chat with him and messaged him a quick 'Hey'. He replied soon enough with 'Summoner's Rift?' and I typed back a 'yes'. I waited for Dowoon to add me to a game and as soon as I had my first bite, I saw a game request and clicked accept. I saw our two other friends, Jae and Wonpil but I noticed someone else.

"DinoJackson17, who could that be?" I whispered to myself. I switched on my gaming headset and clicked on voice chat with Dowoon. "Sup." He said and I replied, "Who's DinoJackson17?" Even though I couldn't see him, I knew he was smirking. "You'll find out soon enough." I didn't know what he meant but I understood the moment he added DinoJackson17 to our voice chat.

"Hello!" The moment he spoke, I stiffened. I looked around the café to find Chan in a booth next to me. He waved at me then turned his attention back to the bright screen. I blushed and spoke into my mic, "Chan? Don't you have work?" he chuckled and shook his head. "Ani, my shift got over so I decided to play." He said. Dowoon started laughing while my blush intensified.

It was time to choose our champions and skills. Dowoon had chosen to be solo top so he chose to play Gnar. Since I had chosen Jinx, Chan decided to be my support and play Zyra. We locked our champions and the game started. A few minutes into the game, we started taking down the other team's turrets. "Hey Y/N, what's your relationship status with Chan now? Friends with benefits?" Dowoon playfully asked me, completely forgetting the fact that Chan was in the same chat with us.

"What?!" Chan asked while I died, horrified and in shock. Just then, Dowoon realized what he said and widened his eyes and said, stuttering over his words, "Uhh, I-I mean..." He couldn't complete his sentence because I had left the game, packed up my stuff and stormed out of the gaming café in horrifying embarrassment. I sipped on my drink and threw it into the trash before running to my house, which was a few minutes away.

> Time Skip To A Few Days Later <

Over the past few days, Dowoon had constantly spammed my phone, apologizing for spilling my secret crush to Chan. I, on the other hand, had been cooped up under my blankets on my bed, cuddling and squishing my cat. "What do I do now Rin? I can't dare go back to the café and face Chan. He probably finds me really weird and hates me now for liking him." I ranted to my cat, Rin, who was clearly not bothered with my messed up love life and just snuggled into my body even more. I sighed out and heard the bell to my apartment ring. I grudgingly got out of bed while Rin hissed, missing my warmth. I walked up to my door and the moment I opened it, I immediately regretted opening it.

I slammed the door close and heard Chan scream, "Wait! Y/N, I want to talk about the other day." The desperation in his voice made me open the door once again and let Chan come in. I closed the door and hid my face by covering it with my small hands in embarrassment. Chan lightly laughed and walked up to me, removing my hands and holding them in his own, big ones. "Hey its okay. I like you too, I have for a while now." Chan shyly confessed, rubbing his nape and a small hue of pink tinting his cheeks.

I stared at him, shocked from the fact that Chan reciprocated my feelings. "R-Really? You aren't joking?" I asked, being cautious incase this was some kind of sick prank he planned with Dowoon. He shyly shook his head no and blushed even more. I giggled seeing a shy Chan since it was very rare. "So... what does that make us now?" I slowly asked. Chan laughed and replied, "Well, first I want to get to know you better. How does a date sound?" He looked so cute that I couldn't help but squish and pinch his cheeks.

"That sounds great to me." I said and he whined, trying to swat my hands away from his cheeks. Suddenly I hear an angry meow and look down to see Rin cuddling up to my legs and trying to claw at Chan's jeans. We both laughed and I picked up Rin. "I think a little someone is jealous of Chan." I said and laughed louder seeing Rin hiss at Chan and purr under my touch.

Maybe Dowoon accidentally spilling my crush wasn't a bad thing. After all, it lead to Chan asking me out to a date. 


Phew. Man was that long, 926 words. I hope you enjoyed this little one-shot for our precious maknae of Seventeen. He needs more love (=`ω'=) ALSO HAPPY 3 YEAR ANNIVERSARY WTH SEVENTEEN ILY GUYS I actually wrote half of this in school XP Also since League of Legends is one of my favourite games, I decided to use it in this one-shot lol so here is the meanings for all the references. 

Summoner's Rift: A game mode/map in League

Champions: The characters used to play in League

Solo Top: There are three lanes in League, Top, Mid, Bot and the Jungle is another area. Solom Top is where you go alone in the Top Lane.

Support: There is always one support that heals everyone and basically helps the other players.

Gnar: A champion that is  AD ( Attack Damage )

Jinx: A champion that is ADC ( Carry Attack Damage )

Zyra: A support champion 

Turrets: Towers that have the power to attack players and minions in a certain distance.

That's it lol.  

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