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colby's pov

i grabbed my set of keys from my pocket and took calis apartment key in my hand unlocking the door.

i walked into the quiet apartment and looked around. i looked at my phone and the time ready 12:30. calis usually awake cleaning or something by now.

"cali?" i called out checking the balcony. i check her bedroom and saw a heaping pile of blankets with black hair flowing out the side.

"cali? are you awake?" i called out. she didn't move.

i walked over to her bed and turned on the lamp on her nightstand. i moved a blanket from over her face and took in all her beauty.

i placed my hand on her face and she shuffled opening her eyes.

"hey babe." i smiled at her and she gave me a small smile.

"i brought food." i said running my hand through her long wavy hair.

she sat up and rubbed her eyes bring her knees up to her chest. she put her head into her knees and began to cry.

"hey, what's wrong?" i asked sitting next to her embracing her in my arms. "it'll be okay babe, tell me what's wrong."

"nothing, i'm just, my periods coming soon." she said not looking at me. "are you sure?"

"yeah i'm sure. thank you for bringing me food." she said wiping her tears.

"anything for you." i smiled at her and she stood up. and i looked her up and down. "colby, i saw that." she said walking into her bathroom. i smiled to myself and let out a small laugh.

i walked out to the kitchen and put our food on plates and getting us drinks out of the fridge.

cali walked out still in her underwear and hoodie
and i smirked. "here's your food." i said handing her a plate."

"thank you." she smiled sitting down on a chair. "so, i was thinking today maybe we could go to six flags or something how does that sound?" he asked.

"that sounds amazing colby." she said taking a bite of her food.

"are you sure you're okay? you seem...off." i asked her and she nodded not looking at me.

i shrugged and we finished our food in silence. she stood up and walked over washing her plate in the sink. i walked up behind her and sat my plate down in the sink warpping my arms around her waist.

she backed her butt into my area and i let out a small groan. i started to play with them hem of her underwear and she let out a small squeal.

she turned the water off and dried off her hands and turned around slamming her lips into mine. she backed me up into the side of the counter and started undoing my belt not breaking the kiss.

i took off her hoodie and threw it to the side flipping us so she was now against the counter. i lifted her onto the counter and stood between her legs deepening the kiss.

she took off my shirt and reconnected our lips putting my hands on her waist.

i felt a drop of wetness fall on my cheek and i pulled away and looked at cali her eyes filled with tears.

"seriously babe, what's wrong?" i asked placing my forehead on hers. "i'm sorry colby, but i think we need a break." she spoke.

i froze. "what, why what happened? was it something i did? i can fix it i swear, i'm sorry." i frantically spoke not wanting to lose my girl again.

"no colby you're amazing, the best." she said getting down from the counter putting on her clothes.

"what's the problem then?" i asked and she looked at me with disappointed eyes.

"it's me colby, i'm not- i don't know but i just think that you'd be better off without me." she mumbled.

"why the hell would you think that? i love you cali, i can't live without you. you're the reason i get out of bed every morning, the reason i smile anymore. the reason i'm still alive." i spoke tearing up.

"colby i'm sorry." she said walking towards me arms extended. "i just need some time. we're not breaking up it's just time off. i need it for me." she said embracing me in a hug.

"cali please." i begged. "colby, please. i'm not okay. i need to do this for me. please understand that." she pleaded.

i nodded slowly taking in all of her features one last time. "okay." i whispered.

i grabbed my stuff and began walking out of her apartment back to where i was when we broke up.

i felt a small cold hand grab mine and i looked back at a teary eyed cali. "i'm sorry." she spoke softly.

i nodded and walked off. that was the last i was seeing of her for a while. i felt her close the door behind me and i leaned against it.

i was just starting to feel happy again. i was just starting to get rid of that empty feeling in my stomach everyday i woke up. i just got rid of the puffy under eyes from crying myself to sleep every night.

"i love you cali."

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