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JinSoo winced as a staff member put a ice pack on his ankle.

"Just let that sit there for a but and then I'll wrap it up, okay?"

JinSoo nodded, looking at his ankle with curiosity.

"Why does it get colorful when it's hurt?" He asked the woman staff. She laughed. "I don't know. But I do know it Hurts,that's for sure."

JinSoo hummed, looking back down.

A few minutes later, before they go out, the staff wrapped up his ankle, patting to gently when she was done.

"There you go! All good." She smiled. JinSoo thanked her before she walked away.

"JinSoo! Don't sit there by yourself~!" Jimin whined, opening his arms.

JinSoo blushed, walking over slowly.
Jimin pulled him onto his lap, smiling brightly.

They sat there for a bit but when JinSoo shifted, Jimin stiff.

And so dick his cock..... slightly.

"J-jinSoo dont move like that, okay?"

"D-did hurt you?"

"No you didn't. Just don't okay?"

JinSoo nodded, going still until they had to go out.

JinSoo was sat beside Taehyung and Jungkook, him in the middle.

"So you guys have a new member?" The intervieeer asked after a while.

They all nodded.

"He was put in yesterday." Namjoon said.

The crowd booed in displeasure.

JinSoo shrunk in his seat.

"He didn't even go through what you guys had to go through!!!" A girl yelled from he crowd, causeing the whole crowd to start yelling the same things.

JinSoo got off his chair, walking back stage and sitting on one of the chairs.

Jimin ran after him, calling his name.

JinSoo let his tears fall, letting a small sod escape past his lips.

Jimin pulled him into a hug.

"It's okay baby. It was just sudden. You gotta let them get used to you after a bit, okay?"
Jimin said softly, pulling him onto his lap.

JinSoo nodded, whimpering as he wiped his tears.

"I-i feel l-like I'm at s-school." JinSoo mumbled, resting his head on Jimins chest

"I'm sorry baby. I'm sorry." Jimin put a hand on his head, kissing it.

They continued the interview without Jimin and JinSoo.

JinSoo wasn't planning on trying anyway.

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