Chapter 4 ~ Butterfly (Yoonkook)

Start from the beginning

That is not what I was expecting. How is he so calm? I mean, he's been through a lot but still. This just shows we still have a lot to learn about each other.

''Well, we all need to go to a meeting with our boss but you'll be staying back with Jungkook- we'll leave an hour before sunset.'' Namjoon says in his leader tone

Authors POV

For the rest of the afternoon they lay about on the couches watching movies and eating. Time flies by and soon all of them are standing by the door, ready to leave. They walk outside and 5 get in a black car waiting for them and wave as they drive off. Jungkook and Yoongi get in another car, with Jungkook driving.

Their hands lay intertwined on Yoongi's thigh. The car ride lasts for 5 minutes and they sing along to Blackpink's DDU-DU DDU-DU. Neither of them tries to sing in tune because hearing the others laugh at the atrocious singing is better than anything else in the world at that moment. Yoongi's gummy smile is on full display and Jungkook has never seen something so simple be so beautiful. That smile added 10 years onto Jungkook's life, it was that gorgeous.

They get out the car at a park. There is nobody there as it's getting quite late by now. ''I want to show you something.'' Jungkook mumbled, a light blush decorating his cheeks. Yoongi looked at him and his eyes crinkled up. That was the first time Yoongi saw Jungkook blush and he hoped he could be the cause of that adorable thing in the future. Jungkook pulled his boyfriend by his hand until they were running for no reason. Their laughter filled the air as they came to a stop at the bottom of a hill. ''Why are we running'' Yoongi gasped. They burst out laughing at nothing.

''Do you want a piggy-back?''Jungkook queried. Yoongi nodded and jumped onto his back. He put his chin on Jungkook's shoulder and kissed his cheek gently. A soft smile crept onto both of their faces as Jungkook walked up the hill. It was completely silent except for the birds singing in the treetops. Yoongi watches the birds fly across the sky, admiring the slowly darkening world around him. Jungkook turns, randomly it seem to Yoongi, but then he sees a little gap between the trees that he would have missed if Jungkook didn't turn. It was like a pathway to a hidden world. The sun shone light through the leaves, creating a gorgeous lighting. It seemed like something from a stoybook when they walk out from the trees.

From this point, they could see across the entire city. The sun was setting on the horizon and it was beautiful. Yoongi jumped down from Jungkook's back and sat on a patch of grass. Jungkook sat next to him and put an arm round Yoongi's waist. It seemed like magic to Yoongi, and his smile showed Jungkook that he made the right choice taking Yoongi here. ''You're the first person that I've brought here, this is my special place to just stop and watch the city light up.''

Yoongi seemed surprised to hear that and tried to hide his blush. Seoul looked magical from up here, basked in golden light. Jungkook wasn't looking at that though, he was admiring Yoongi. He wished he brought his camera to catch the blissful look of peace on the shorter's face but for now he would just take in every detail of Yoongi. He saw the way his eyes crinkled up as he smiled. The way he would brush some hair out of his face just for it to fall back in his eyes. How he never took his eyes off the city as though scared it would fade and in turn Jungkook was scared Yoongi would fade away from him.

Ethereal is the only way to describe the person beside him.

Yoongi looked away from the city for a second and caught Jungkook staring. ''Kookie stop staring at me'' he giggled. Jungkook pulled Yoongi onto his lap and spun him round so they were facing each other.  Yoongi's eyes opened wide, he looked down at Jungkook and noticed a faded scar on the elder's cheek. He brushed his finger over it gently. Jungkook flicked his eyes down to the doll lips and contemplated for a second.

Fuck it he thought and he closed the gap between the two. Yoongi froze for a second before kissing back. It was awkward for a few seconds but then it was perfect. Jungkook cupped Yoongi's face, they were just enjoying the sweet kiss. They pulled away but both kept their eyes closed as they rested their foreheads together. They sat like that for a moment and then they simultaneously opened their eyes.

They smiled each other, slightly embarrassed judging by the way they looked away from each other. The sun had almost set by now but there was a single butterfly flying nearby. It fluttered about and landed on a flower nearby, they watched it fixated and the another butterfly joined it, and another one. Soon there were 7 butterflies circling around them. It was seriously unforgettable. It was unbelievable. Yoongi  watched them, and then he turned hurriedly and timidly pecked Jungkook on the lips once more. Then all the butterflies flew up and disappeared into the trees.

The lights of the city twinkled down below and Yoongi yawned as he started to shiver slightly. Jungkook whispered ''Get up for a sec sweetie and I'll carry you back to the car. '' Neither of them realised the nickname had been said because it felt natural for him to call Yoongi that. Both of them stood up and Kookie took off his jacket and layered it over Yoongi's. He picked him up and Yoongi cuddled to him like a koala, while snuggling into the others neck. ''Kookie?'' ''mmm?'' ''Can you sing for me?'' ''Wait why'' ''I think you actually have got a good singing voice, I want to hear it, please'' ''Okay''

Jungkook pondered over what to sing for a minute but something came to him suddenly . Yoongi closed his eyes, waiting patiently. Then Jungkook starting singing and it felt like the whole world stopped just to listen. His voice was warm and soothing but it also had the tone of sincerity as he sang.

Jungkook's POV

I stopped singing and started humming quietly. Yoongi wasn't asleep yet but he nearly was. We got back to the car and Yoongi hopped down from my back. I slipped into the drivers seat.''Are you hungry?'' I asked. He nodded a me and he looked like a kitten, with the way he was curled up in the seat.

I drive home, the others aren't back yet and I didn't expect them to be. Yoongi walked over to the couches yawning while I grabbed some snacks. My arm are filled as I make my way to Yoongi. I switch on Love, Simon to watch. I sit down and Yoongi rests against me, back to chest and I cuddle him like a teddy bear. My hand finds it's way into his hair and I stroke it unconsciously. Yoongi feeds me pieces of popcorn every so often. He stops feeding my and I realise he must have fallen asleep. I carefully manoeuvre out from behind him and pick him up bridal style. I yawn and nearly drop him but luckily I don't.

Somehow I get Yoongi into the bedroom without waking him up or bashing his head on the doorway. I change his top half into one of my white shirts so that I can take off his jeans without seeing more than his legs. I tuck him under the covers and get changed myself. I lay next to him and he turns closer to me and grabs a hold of the front of my shirt .I wrap my arms round him as I drift off to sleep.


Next chapter will be up in a few hours hopefully-I haven't finished it yet so if not today, it will be up tomorrow(although most likely today). Hope you liked this chapter even though not that much happened >_<

There might be some mistakes in this so please tell me if there are any-Thank you!

QOTD: Which Yoongi ship is your favourite?

AOTD: Personally I really like sope/yoonseok but Yoonkook is also really cute.

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