Chapter 7: An Interesting Turn Of Events

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**A picture of Seth played by the handsome Shawn Mendes in the media box**

**Chapter 7: An Interesting Turn Of Events**

**Theron's POV**

**2000 years ago**

Two weeks had passed since Aeliana had come back to life and I had managed to keep the truth about why she was alive from everyone else, especially the elders. If they ever found out I had taken Aeliana to the outcasts, they would have been severe penalties; death or exile being one of them as Tatiana had warned.

I had also managed to convince Aeliana that she had gotten separated from Aemilia during the crisis and that the scouts were doing everything they could to find her sister. Thankfully, she had bought it.

All I had to do was just keep up the story until I found a way to get back her memories, hopefully, that was soon.

"Theron! Theron!" A deep masculine voice called from outside the tent in urgency and I sprung up to my feet as Seth rushed in.

Seth had been the best hunter in the camp and he was only twenty-one years of age.

His village had been the first the Intruders had attacked and he had been the sole survivor of the village.

The only reason he had survived was because he had climbed down into a dried up well, waiting until the intruders left.

It was reckless and dangerous as he could have died in there but he survived it and now, he was safe.

He had not shed a single tear since he had arrived, distracting himself by hunting or helping around just to keep his mind off the horror that had happened in his village but it was only a while before his plan backfired and he became overwhelmed with so much emotions.

We had become close friends instantly after we met and I looked out for him as he did the same for me, especially, while we were out hunting.

"I-It is Aeliana. She has been badly hurt." Seth informed, looking worried. He had become quite fund of Aeliana but not in a way that bothered me. She had reminded him a lot of the sister he had lost in the attack. "I found her while I was hunting with the others, she had been attacked by an animal."

"No, Aeliana is—"

"Aeliana?" Seth's eyes widened as he took in Aeliana's form behind me. He looked like he had seen a ghost. "If she is here then who—"

"She is my sister, Aemilia." Aeliana rushed up to us, both relief and worry displayed on her features. "You have to take me to her. Please, Seth." She pleaded and Seth nodded, guiding her out of the tent.

"Oh no!" I groaned as I placed my palm over my face. This was not good at all.  What if Aemilia had tried to kill Aeliana once again?

I rushed out of the tent and hurried after them. I had to protect Aeliana from that evil person that called herself her sister.


I glanced at Aemilia's still form and I actually felt bad for her.

Her body was covered in scratch marks from the wild animal that had attacked her and her head had been wrapped up in bandages also.

According to Seth, he had found Aemilia at the bottom of a small hill which indicated that she had probably fallen down whilst trying to escape the animal that chased her and had hit her head on the small rock that was laid below her head when he had found her.

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