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I'm used to criticism

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I'm used to criticism. I receive it every day from all the people around me, even my parents. It's hard sometimes- it's always hard. To the point that you want to just leave to unknown place alone where no one knows you.

I exited the classroom and was heading home. Girls were whispering with each other, not forgetting to look at me like I mean nothing. I'm pretty sure they're gossiping about me. There were so many rumors about my personal life that I can't even count them with my fingers. I wonder why they do that. I guess people can make anything to be an entertainment for their boredom.

After 20 minutes of walk, I came home. As usual, parents weren't here. They're at the office most of the time or abroad, on business trips.

My grades were the best. I'm even going for a scholarship. I should be happy, but it's not that easy when you don't have any friends. I'm sure most of my classmates hate me because my grades are good and the teachers are fond of me.

'Teacher's pet' as they like to call me.

I did my homework in an hour and didn't know what to do. I would go outside, but I don't have someone to go with.

At that moment my eyes started to close and I just fell asleep right on the couch, the soothing clicking sounds of the big clock is what I remember before falling into a deep slumber.

"Hey!" I saw a handsome boy with red hair about my age.

"Uhh hey...who are you?" I walked closer to him.

"I'm your imagination." The boy answered. What?

"What do you mean?"

"I'm the person who you really need right now." He said smiling. I bet his smile can cheer anyone.

"I don't get anything."

"You are having a hard time, right? You need me. Someone who you can talk to and tell your problems. I'm a figment of your imagination. My name is-"

And with that my alarm ringed and I woke up. That dream- it was so realistic. I looked at my clock. 6:30 am, I slept on my couch all night? I should get up.


Okay. Sooo welcome to my new ff. I saw an animation similar to this and decided to make a fanfiction. Thank you for reading💕

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