Sounds Familiar

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Minho leaves his room after having his conversation with this "Unknown" guy. He heads into the living room to see if there's any food, or any leftovers, considering the fact that its 2 AM. Walking into the kitchen, he looks through the fridge just to find a couple leftovers from the takeout they had earlier in that day. He got the food, microwaved it and sat the dining table to start eating. As he was eating he started thinking about a certain someone.

Minho has always been in love with Jisung, but it never really hit him until they started their TV show. He spent most of his days with him and even thought about confessing. He remembers that exact scenario, it was after they roomed in at the dorms. He was waiting for everyone to start eating because Jisung always heads to the table last. Soon people started exiting their rooms and piled up the dining table. Once every person, other than Jisung, was at the table he got up and started heading to his room. His heart was pounding like crazy that he would've thought his heart fell out of his chest. He was super nervous, but in the end, he chickened out.
"Hey Ji!"
"Oh hey, what's up?"
"I just wanted to tell you something."
"...I love you."
"Aw, that's cute, love ya too."
"No, I mean.."
"I uh...Never mind let's go eat!"

From what he learned about Jisung, it turns out he just denies all forms of romantic couple-like love, though he DOES adore friendship.

The conversation with "Unknown" all of a sudden pops into his head, thinking about how it reminded him of someone.
His thoughts were soon interrupted by a voice.
"What's up mate?" Chan's raspy voice echoed through the kitchen.
"You look like you're thinking too much."
"Why are you still up?"
"I don't know how to sleep. Duh."
Chan sat down on the chair in front of Minho.
"So, what are you thinking about?"
"'s this account."
Chan is suddenly intrigued, wanting to hear about it. 
"Okay? Tell me about it."
"Well it's this guy who talks about his social anxiety and depression. He really opens up to it n stuff. It kinda concerns me, what he talks about."
"Interesting, but why does it draw you in so much?"
"It's just the vibe, it seems all too familiar to me, but I just can't get it."
"What's the user?"
"Unknown with a period and underscore"
"Oooo mysterious."
Chan gets up and stretches
"I'm actually super tired, I'll go first?"
"Yeah. That's fine, sleep well."
Chan then exits the kitchen, leaving Minho with his deep thoughts again. That didn't last very long, since he heard his phone 'ding', looking over to the notification.
New message from Unknown._

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