Message from LeeKnow

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New message from LeeKnow
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LeeKnow: you're a fan...are you not?
Unknown._: yes I very much am
LeeKnow: That means a lot, we care about all our fans
Unknown._: I am well aware
LeeKnow: do you have a name?
Unknown._: yes
LeeKnow: May I know it?
Unknown._: no
LeeKnow: aw 😞 is there a nickname I can call you by?
Unknown._: sung.
LeeKnow: cute nickname! I hear it all the time, that's what our leader calls one of our members!
Unknown._: that member... Jisung I assume?
LeeKnow: Yup!
Unknown._: that's great.
LeeKnow: Hey, if you ever need someone to talk to, we can always meet up
Unknown._: there's a reason why I have social anxiety. I don't want to meet up with anyone.
LeeKnow: Ah...I'm sorry about that.
Unknown._: Mhm
LeeKnow: on your last couple of posts you said that you performed
Unknown._: correct. And?
LeeKnow: I was curious..what do you perform?
Unknown._: I'm a rapper.
LeeKnow: oh is that so?
Unknown._: well duh.
LeeKnow: why do you perform..despite the anxiety
Unknown._: it's been a dream of mine to become an idol, I'd have to get over anxiety first yes, but I just pushed myself to do it.
LeeKnow: oh I see...are you willing to tell me more about yourself?
Unknown._: I don't share any information like that...but I guess I can. Just ask me questions.
LeeKnow: Okay! Well if any questions are uncomfortable for you to answer I understand.
Unknown._: alright.
LeeKnow: hmmm what's your favorite food?
Unknown._: cheesecake
LeeKnow: if you had to choose any company to join which one would it be?
Unknown._: JYP
LeeKnow: good choice
LeeKnow: What instruments do you play?
Unknown._: I can only play the Guitar
Unknown._: sorry to cut it off short, I have to go.
LeeKnow: that's fine. Be safe.
Unknown._: sure

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