chapter forty-seven

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Hazel and Greyson are holding the wedding party at a hotel across the street from the beach house where the wedding is being held tonight. This morning, I came downstairs for breakfast just in time to see the girls leaving the house with their dresses. Sure, the hangers were covered with white plastic, but what else would it be covering up? It's the big day, after all.

I thought Nova was going to walk out without saying goodbye to me, but just before she stepped out the front door, she looked over her shoulder and smiled at me. It was the innocent smile that shows she's genuinely happy. I, of course, wanted more than a smile from her, but I understand how this wedding stuff works - the boys and girls split apart until the actual event happens.

So while Nova, Hazel, Mom, and Julia put the finishing touches on the beach house, I met up with Greyson at his apartment to prep for tonight. We spent the day making sure all the groomsmen were still alive from last night - the four of us may be dealing with the slightest touch of a hangover - and locating the rings.

Ian and Levi came over an hour before our scheduled photos were to take place; we got dressed in our suits, and then enjoyed a round of aged whisky after a toast dedicated to the day.

Now, here the four of us are, waiting next to the shoreline for the girls to come out of the beach house so we can get the pictures done before the wedding.

"How long does it take for a girl to get ready?" Ian mutters as he adjusts the collar to his suit. "It's fucking hot out here."

Greyson and I exchange an annoyed glance. Yeah, girls take a damn long time to get ready, but this isn't just any day for Haze. So they can take as long as they want. On top of waiting, we've been listening to Ian complain about the heat for the past five minutes. Suffice to say, I'm ready to snap on him.

So I speak up, changing the subject. "Isn't it bad luck to see the bride before the wedding?" I ask Greyson, nudging him in the arm.

He gives me an Are you fucking kidding me? look, and then says, "You know for a fact that Hazel and I don't believe in all that wedding hocus-pocus." He claps me on the back. "We're letting you and your girlfriend walk down the aisle, right?"

I roll my eyes. Just like my sister, Greyson has been poking at me about my relationship with Nova. Not in a bad, teasing manner. Both of them have just been very...vocal about it, expressing how happy they are. 

Finally, after ten minutes of waiting under the blistering sun, the girls exit the beach house. And, just like I was when Nova first tried on the dress, I'm rendered speechless at her appearance.

The navy blue dress with the illusion one-shoulder and cascading side gathering hugs every curve of her body, reaching mid-thigh so I can see an unparalleled view of her tanned legs. My eyes trail up to her face. The makeup is as subtle as usual, but her cheeks have been shadowed in a way that makes her cheekbones look more defined than usual, and her lashes have a layer of glittered mascara over them. There's a faint coat of blush dusting her cheeks as well. Her hair is a simple half-up hairstyle - a braid that's been laced with little white flowers sits atop an abundance of auburn curls that reach just past her shoulders.

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