Chapter Two: First Touch.

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Lance's P.O.V.

     His name. The way it rolled off of his tongue. The way his voice sounded. Everything about him, it was like it was drawing me in. I want to know more.

"What brings you here at this time of night?"

  He shyly smiled at me.

"Well..when I'm out here..I don't have to worry about anything. It gives me a sense of peace I guess..what about you?"

I thought about what I should tell him since I don't know him too well, yet. So I just gave a summary.

"Um..well I come here to calm my nerves mainly.."

I smirked a little, as I decided to be a little teasing.

"But also..a busy, handsome guy like me needs some alone time once in a while."

He chuckled.

"You've got quite an ego there huh?"

I chuckled as well.

"Kinda..but anyways..why haven't I seen you around here before? I usually know everyone that comes around where I am."

He smiled shyly again, and it was kind of cute.

"I just moved here. I'm originally from Texas. But I've lived in many places because.."

I tilted my head to the side a bit as his words drifted off.

"Because why?"

He shook his head.

"Never mind. That's not important."

He went to put his hand down on the bench, and it landed on top of mine. I blushed, and so did he. He pulled his hand away, and he put it in his lap.

"S-sorry..that was an accident."

I chuckled softly.

"'s okay. Honestly."

His hand. It touched mine. I know it sounds crazy, but it was like an electrical spark up my arm, and throughout my body. The moment our hands touched, I felt like he was needed in my life. I wanted him in my life. I don't know how to explain this feeling, but I like it.

"I should go."

I looked at him curiously, but I decided that i shouldn't pry.

"'s late anyways."

We both stood up and I noticed he was a couple inches shorter than me. I smiled at that.

"Maybe I'll see you around sometime?"

He smiled up at me.


With that, he walked off, disappearing into the night. Something was off though. After our hands touched, he seemed afraid of something. I want to know more.

    I couldn't stop thinking about him on my way home, and I just flopped down on my bed, thinking of who Keith could be, and if I'll ever see him again.

Keith's P.O.V.

  No. This is not good at all. As I walked away from him, I went into full panic. The feeling I got from touching his hand, signified something. Demons have soulmates, cheesy I know, but it's true. A soulmate for a demon is who the demon is meant to be with. When a demon has a soulmate, the first time they touch them, they get an electrical/tingly feeling in their body. I got that feeling when I touched Lance. This is bad, and it has never happened before. A demon's soulmate is usually another demon. But never, has a demon's soulmate been a human. The demon council will have my ass if me and Lance ever become a thing.

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