The Circus

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Anne Wheeler's pov

"Welcome to the family" I hear Barnum practically shout.

I turn away from W.D. who I had just been talking to, to see P.T. standing with a girl. She looked so familiar. Where have I seen her before?

P.T. was still talking but I wasn't really listening. I still hadn't moved. Its driving me crazy. I know I've seen her before but where?

W.D. must have noticed my confused expression.

"What are you thinking about" he asked.

"I now I've seen that girl before, but I can't think of where."

"Well I know that I've never seen her before" he says while staring at her.

He had a misty kind of look on his face. I've only seen that look on his face once before and I new what it meant.

I nudge him a bit with my elbow.

"Looks like someone has a new crush" I tease.

"I do not."

W.D. playfully pushes my arm away. I feel a slight pain as he does so. It's because of the bruise that protester gave me last night. I'm glad I only got a bruise from where the man had ahold of me. If it wasn't for my savior I would have probably been beaten by the man.

That's when it hit me. The new girl was my savior from last night. She didn't have her hat on anymore but I now know what she was trying to hide. She had pure white hair.

I needed to meet her and thank her.

I look at  W.D.. He's still staring at the girl. I tap him on the shoulder.

"Hello Earth to W.D." He shakes his head as if he was in a trance. He looks at me confused. Seeing that I'm basically bouncing up and down from the excitement of my discovery.

"I know where I've seen her before. She was the one that saved me last night" I say.

"Well we still need to meet her. You could thank her now" he says as he starts making his way to her through the little crowd thats formed around her and P.T..

I follow him excited to finally meet the mystery girl.

*************************************************************************************        Maria's pov

"Welcome to the family" P.T. shouts.

Everyone looks at P.T. then at me. P.T. keeps on talking.

"Everyone this is Maria Willington our newest act."

P.T. nudged me in front of him. I was kind of maybe hiding behind him. I looked at everyone then quickly looked down at my feet. Succumbing to my shyness.

I glance up at everyone again. "Hello" I say loud enough for them to hear me but not as loud as P.T. had been.

I see a women walking towards me with a comforting smile on her face. She must have sensed how nervous I was. As she got closer to me I realized that she had a beard. It made me less nervous to see that she was different just like me.

"Hello dear. I'm Lettie, Lettie Lutz. Its nice to meet you, and welcome to the circus."

"It's nice to meet you too Lettie and thank you" I say trying not to be shy. 

Then it was like an avalanche of people I met so many people and shook so many hands that I lost count at like thirty. 

I met Charles Stratton aka Tom Thumb, O'Clancy the Irish Giant, The Lord of Leeds, Prince ConstantIne aka Tattoo Man, and Fedor Jeftichew aka Dog Boy. There was also The Voodoo Twins, Jessica Castro and Sunny Walters.

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