The Man in Red

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P.T. Barnum's pov

Wow is all I thought while watching this woman sing. She's amazing. I was on my way to the circus when I heard her singing. I stopped walking the second I heard her voice. It was just amazing. 

I started to look around for the singer, when I saw a group of people crowding around a woman on the side of the street. She must be the one singing. I made my way to the front of the crowd to watch her. Her voice was captivating. 

She was scanning the crowd looking at everyone. She caught me staring at her.

Suddenly I had the best idea. I needed her to join the circus. She would make be a great addition. She didn't look different like everyone else but man can she sing. 

By the time I realized the song was over, the mystery singer was already walking away. I tried to follow her but seeing as I didn't know her name I couldn't call out to her. I had to catch up to her. She started walking a little faster. Maybe she knew I was following her. 

I tried to catch up to her but she made a few turns and suddenly she was out of my sight. I started to look for her when I saw her walk into an alley. 

I jogged to the alley not wanting to lose her a second time. As I walked into the alley a little girl came out. I walked farther in to see the women. 

Something was different though. She had taken her hat off. That's when I realized she had pure white hair. So that's why she wore the hat.

This made her even more perfect for the circus. I walked up to her. She looked up at me as I spoke.

"Hello Miss." 

***********************************************************************************************Maria's pov

"Hello Miss" the man says as I look at him. I don't bother grabbing my hat. He's already seen my hair. 

"Please leave me alone sir" is all I say. I grab my hat and get back up on my feet.

I'm almost to the street when the man says "Wait". I hear him running up next to me. I turn to look at him. He starts to talk to me.

"My name is P.T. Barnum."

"From the circus?" I blurt out.

"Yes. Have you been."

"No, but I've been wanting to." 

"Well once you see it you'll never be the same again." 

I don't know what he means by this. I think he saw the puzzled look on my face because he quickly said "I would like to offer you a job where you'll never have to hide your hair again. Where all you'll have to do is sing and dance. So what do you say."

I thought about it. Besides singing and dancing I didn't know what this job entailed, but I wouldn't have to hide my hair. This has got to be a miricle. 

I looked at Mr Barnum, smiled and said " Well I'd say that you just found yourself a new employee. By the way I'm Maria Willington."

"Pleasure to meet you Miss Willington."

I giggled a little. Miss Willington sounded so fancy and I'm certainly not fancy. I don't think it suites me.

"You don't have to be so formal Mr Barnum. Please call me Maria."

He smiles at me and says "Well then Maria please call me P.T." 

We walk to the opening of the alley. I suddenly stop before anyone can see me. I start to put my hat back on.

P.T looks around suddenly realizing that I wasn't next to him anymore. He walks up to me as I fix my hat. He stops and smiles at me. 

"Where we're going your not going to need that."

I look at him hesitantly before I remembered what the little girl told me.

"Why hide your hair. It's a part of you. It's what makes you, you."

That's what she said. I think shes right I'm tired of hiding under my hat. I drop it next to me and look at P.T.. He smiles at me reassuringly. I smile back. 

We start walking out onto the street. People look at us as we pass. They give me disgusted looks. Like I shouldn't even exist. I follow P.T. down the street while trying to ignore the people passing by us.

"We're going to the circus right" I ask P.T. 

"Right you are Maria, and we're almost there."

I look up and see the circus in the distance. I still think it's a remarkable building. I can't wait to see what it looks like on the inside. 

Before I even know it we are at the front doors of the building. He walks me to the ticket window. P.T. starts talking to the man in the ticket booth. Then he looks at me. 

"Oh Maria this is O'Malley. O'Malley this is Maria Willington our new act" he says.

I look at O'Malley. 

"Pleasure to meet you Mr O'Malley" I say shaking his hand. 

"Like wise" he says. 

P.T. starts telling me about the show as he drags me into the building. 

He brings me into the performing area. 

"We perform in this ring. We have dancers, singers, trapizests, and many more acts."

I'm amazed by everything, but mostly the trapeze equipment. It looks like fun. 

"For tonight I'll have you just watch the show from backstage. Just so you can see what we do before I put you in the show." 

"Okay" is all I say before I hear voices behind the backstage curtain. I tense up getting nervous. I don't like meeting new people especially since I didn't have my hat. 

I immediately stop in the middle of the performing ring. P.T. looks at me suddenly realizing that I wasn't following him anymore. He walks back up to me. 

"Don't worry Maria. The cast won't judge you like everyone else. They are just like you. All of you are different in your own ways. They'll become like your family. Don't worry you'll like them and they'll like you." 

I nod hesitantly. When he said family it brought back so many memories that I've tried to hide in the back of my mind. I shuddered a little at the thought of it. 

I slowly walk with P.T. through the curtain. I look around to see people of all shapes and sizes. Everyone is an oddity like me. I relax a bit. 

Nobody as seen me yet. I look at P.T. and smile. He looks back at me. 

"Welcome to the family." 

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