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Maria pov

I wonder what the world would be like if society were willing to accept us. By us I mean people that are different, like me. What makes me different is my hair. It's pure white.Not many people know about my hair but the people that do have ridiculed me for it. They call me a freak. This was one of my parents favorites names for me.

Let me start from the beginning. While my mother was pregnant she caught a terrible sickness. The doctor gave her some kind of special medicine. The next day she had me. Everything went well and everyone was happy. I was a couple of months old when my parents noticed that my hair was white and my eyes had changed from blue to hazel.

They weren't very happy. They wanted me to have blond hair and blue eyes like my father, so they went back to the same doctor that had saved us. (us being mother and I) The doctor told them that this was the effect of the medicene. Mother and father weren't happy. After that they went to every other doctor they could find to fix my hair. None of the doctors were able to fix it. 

So my parents hid me from the rest of the world. As the years went by they kept me in the house afraid that someone would see me. They told me that it was for my protection, but I knew the truth. They were ashamed of me. You probably think I'm just overreacting but I'm not. I heard them talking one night. My parents were the type of people that didn't like anything different. They thought that anyone with qualities like mine were freaks. 

I was lying on my bed when I heard mother and father talking in their room. I heard mother ask father what they were supposed to do when I wanted to leave the house. Father had said that I couldn't leave the house. It would just bring shame on the family name. If people saw me then their friends would start distancing themselves from mother and father. I learned all they cared about was their reputation. 

So at mother and father's annual snow ball I snuck out out of my room where father had made me stay. I put on my fanciest dress and put my hair up into a fancy bun. I walked out into the Hall hearing my heels click against the tile as I made my way to the main staircase. I glided down the stairs feeling like Cinderella. (I was only 10 so I still believed in fairy tales.) Then I heard the whispers from the guests. They were giving me disgusted looks. They were asking each other "Who let the freak in." I was only half way down the stairs when I turned around and ran up them and down the hall to my room. I got out of my dress and into my night gown. Hoping that mother and father had not seen me.

Unfortunately they did. Father came in my room after the ball. I could smell the champagne on him wen he walked in. He started scolding me for leaving my room. I started to yell saying that I was tired of being locked up in the house. I wanted to see the world. I felt good after telling him this until he slapped me. I fell backward. He yelled at me for talking back and for ruining his and mother's reputation. 

That was the day everything started to go downhill. People started to distance themselves from my parents. They blamed me for it. Then father lost his company due to bankruptcy. He wasn't happy. We got evicted from our home. We had to rent an apartment. They started to drink more as well. When they drank they started to get abusive. Father hit me while mother called me a freak. This went on for four years. On my seventeenth birthday I had finally had enough, I grabbed some money, food, and a blanket and left.

While I was looking for a place to stay men on the street started to call me a names. I ignored them and walked into a shop selling hats. I quickly found one that helped me hide my hair. I left the shop and quickly hid in an alley, scared that the men would come and hurt me. 

The alley soon became my home. It had been two years since I had left my parents and I was doing well. Sure I didn't have any money and I was starving but I was surviving. Which brings us to the present.

I currently was on the ground in the alley trying to sleep but for some reason I just couldn't. So I decided to take a walk. I made sure my bag which consisted of an apple, some bread, and my blanket were hidden under the crate. I then made my way out of the alley to the street, and adjusting my hat so my hair was covered not knowing that I would be walking right into trouble.

***First chapter done. Please comment and tell me what you think. I'll try and write the next chapter soon.*** 

Love, Paige

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